Chris Reed Ministries - Jesus Revolution Church

This article will discuss the controversial events surrounding Chris Reed’s ministry in a biblical context. This article is only being written because Chris has decided to stay in ministry after falling into sin, instead of taking time away from ministry to be fully restored and re-approved by God. I do not personally know Chris but have recommended his ministry to a number of people. I also sent one of his prophetic words to an international prophetic ministry that I write articles for at times. That was a mistake that I am correcting by writing this article so that other ministries are not confused about my stance regarding Chris Reed’s ministry. I should not have recommended his ministry and cannot do so any longer after certain truths have been brought to light in 2024. 

In April 2024, after listening to a prophecy by Chris Reed, a person that I highly respect and have a great amount of trust in told me that they had a bad feeling in their spirit about Chris Reed. The person said that they could not listen to him speak and that something felt very off about him. This person also told me that they got the word “insincere” from the Holy Spirit regarding Chris. We must always listen to the inner guiding of the Holy Spirit. If we choose to ignore His discernment within us, we are at greater risk of going into deception.

These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you. But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.” (1 John 2:26-27 NKJV)

The word insincere means “not sincere; not honest in the expression of actual feeling; hypocritical; deceptive; not genuine; saying something or doing something that you do not really mean or believe.” I will also note that the word insincere starts with “in-sin.” 

The person that was given this word does not pay attention to the issues that are happening in the church or want to be involved in any drama. This person had only listened to a few of Chris Reed’s prophecies in the past and had never heard a sermon given by him. This person was not hearing according to a spirit of “suspicion” and does not have anything against Chris whatsoever. I trusted this revelation at the time, but obviously this is not something that one is going to share publicly. I simply noted it and asked the Lord to show me in His timing. 

American Church Leadership in Crisis

The church leadership system in the American church is broken in a number of ways. The Holy Spirit reveals His standards of righteousness for His church leaders in the scriptures, yet many have decided to abide by their own self-created leadership standards. Many are doing what is right in their own eyes, which is emanating from humanism and their own self-life. This departure from scripture is rebellion and apostasy. It is causing the Lord’s precious sheep to be offended with leaders, the church, and the Lord Himself. These issues must be addressed, or more believers will feel betrayed, deceived, and may even be taken captive by the enemy. My primary concern for writing this article is for the Lord sheep who are suffering and confused.

This article will reluctantly address the ministry of Chris Reed. I wish I did not have to write this, but I will not push aside the points that the Holy Spirit continues to bring up to me regarding this ministry. I have waited for nearly four months to release this article. I do not try to rush articles or YouTube videos of this nature and have done only a handful (of this type) in the past. I only try and do what I see the Father doing, and I’m not motivated to get a bunch of views by doing these types of articles. These kinds of writings only bring me an extreme amount of spiritual warfare, which I would rather avoid. I do want as many people as possible to see and understand the truth so that their spiritual walk with the Lord is not damaged.

I understand that there are plenty of judgmental religious Pharisees that are cursing Chris Reed with their venomous tongues and casting stones. I also understand that well-meaning believers have made videos regarding Chris Reed because well-known leaders have failed to speak the truth and bring order to the national church. When appointed and established leaders do nothing for fear of criticism, loss of funding, cowardice, or fear of a diminished following, they have in effect departed from true Biblical leadership. Thus the Lord has to raise up His leadership that will say the hard things that He wants said without being bound by the fear of man.

We live in a time in which a remnant in the church seems to be standing for the righteousness and holiness found in the word of God while many are bound in a false grace doctrine. Deluded believers compare an Old Testament king who didn’t have the Holy Spirit within him, or the same qualifications as a church leader, with a modern church overseer indwelled with the Spirit of God. Much of the church speaks without understanding because they have not been before the Lord Jesus in the secret place to receive a revelation of His severity, judgment, holiness, and justice. Many believers walk in an elementary understanding of the love of God but refuse to accept all aspects of who the Lord is. They choose to remain children in the Spirit. The church will only come to full measure if we choose to know the Lord and obey His word. We will never come to full measure if we ignore the spots and wrinkles in the church.


Chris Reed was selected to oversee Morningstar Ministries in Fort Mill, SC, by Rick Joyner. Chris Reed resigned from a small church that he pastored and moved his family to Fort Mill, South Carolina, in 2021. Three months later, Chris met a woman named Katherine, who was 30 years old and was a student in the MorningStar ministry school. Chris gave Katherine his personal cell phone number, and they began a texting relationship that became emotional. Chris began to send Katherine text messages that were stated to be sexual in nature (by Katherine) and “terrible” by Chris. 

Chris and Katherine begin meeting privately, and both confess to kissing each other. Katherine stated that she and Chris would meet in a parking lot and then drive around together. Katherine said that Chris touched her in her private area on one occasion and that he also told her that he wished he could marry her. Chris and Katherine decided that they had taken the relationship too far and chose to break it off. They stopped meeting but did not tell any of the MorningStar leadership. 

Did Chris also withhold this information from his wife until Katherine confessed the sin? This is a major question that I do not believe has been answered yet. If Chris didn’t tell his wife of the sin and was only forced to after being caught, it tells us a great deal about his character. Regardless, how could Chris hold the secrecy of this sin in his heart and keep it from his wife for a minimum period of a few months? Chris was actually ignoring the Holy Spirit and rejecting His voice. This shows that he is capable of open rebellion against God, which the Bible says is as the sin of witchcraft (1 Samuel 15:22-23).

If Chris was willing to disobey the voice of God regarding sinning against his own wife, how else might he push off the Holy Spirit to follow his own desires? He who is not faithful in something major like the sanctity of marriage certainly proves that they have the potential of being faithless in many other things. Purposely ignoring the Holy Spirit, even for months on this issue, is a disqualifying factor for church leadership. 

Around the first of the year in 2022, Katherine was called into the MorningStar office to meet with two pastors because marijuana had been found in her car. During the meeting, she confessed to the leaders that she and Chris had been engaged in an inappropriate relationship. Chris was confronted by leaders and admitted to most of Katherine’s claims.

According to a former MorningStar pastor (Justin Perry), he was placed in charge of Chris Reed's restoration process. However, only around two months after this, Chris Reed was placed in charge of the entire ministry as Acting Director or President, so Chris was then Justin’s boss. Therefore, Justin said he was not able to properly oversee the restoration of Chris. How are you supposed to oversee your boss, who has authority over you? This was clearly a huge conflict of interest. In March 2023, Chris Reed assumed permanent command of MorningStar ministries as President and CEO.

Sometime in early 2024, Chris spoke to the MorningStar congregation regarding a texting relationship that he had developed. But he stated that he had to cut it off, and then it did not go any further than that. This was a direct lie to the church. Video evidence of this will be shown later in the article, as this is an important subject. 

In late August of 2024, Chris Reed resigned from MorningStar ministries. Someone at MorningStar with knowledge of Chris Reed’s transgression with Katherine released information to the Roy’s Report (an investigative journalist) immediately after Chris’s resignation. The Roy's Report contacted both Chris Reed and Katherine regarding the incident. The following message will be a biblical assessment of what took place and the proper judgment for this situation.

The Resignation 

Chris resigned very suddenly, citing in his letter about a lawsuit leveled against MorningStar for the alleged sexual abuse of minors. While this is a terrible incident and a potentially good reason for not wanting to be a part of MorningStar ministries, it felt very rushed and sudden. When trouble arises, should shepherds stay and protect the sheep like the Shepherd Jesus, or should they take off to protect their own ministry? Something felt off regarding the suddenness of this resignation. Even if it was the Lord‘s will to separate from the ministry, a good leader will always stay in place until a proper transition or a replacement leader is appointed. Leaving the church suddenly can cause confusion and shift things into disarray.

Chris chose to lead MorningStar ministries, so he was responsible for making sure that a smooth transition occurred and a godly leader was appointed in his place. This could have been a process of months if not a year. I understand that Chris was probably not in an easy situation and there was a lot of pressure around him, but true leadership reveals itself under pressure. We reveal whether or not we’re ready to be a leader under the fire of difficult circumstances.

I understand that there could be other political reasons why Chris decided to resign from MorningStar. With any large ministry that has a ministry board, there is most likely going to be political pressure fueled by a political spirit (I’m not saying this is true of MorningStar, but it is possible). Although there may have been things going on behind the scenes, this article will not address those issues given a lack of information. Chris Reed’s sin should be treated and judged as a separate issue from any controversy surrounding MorningStar.

Even when I was an immature believer, I could see that in large Christian organizations that had ministry boards, CEOs, and presidents, they could easily become a political system that controlled things and hindered the flow of the Holy Spirit. This should not be a surprise to anyone who has been in Christ for more than five years or so. The Lord taught me to have nothing to do with these systems of men.

Chris Reed chose to come into this system and put himself under a ministry board. No one forced him to leave his small church and become a part of a global ministry. I don’t know what Chris’ reasons for doing this were, but maybe he wanted a larger platform and saw it as a promotion. We are accountable for our decisions, and we are also accountable for hearing from the Lord on the steps to take in our journey. In other words, we don’t get to make excuses for a political system and being under the control of a ministry board when we chose to put ourselves under that willingly. 

Chris seemed to be fine with the way the MorningStar ministry board kept his sin hidden from the church after the sin was confessed by Katherine in early 2022. I strongly disagree with the MorningStar board concealing this matter since Chris did sin against the church. What the MorningStar board did is an incredible breach of trust and should not be tolerated by the church. When a leader sins against one part of the body, they are sinning against the entire body of Christ because all parts are connected. In our natural bodies, if an organ (one body part) is damaged, it can affect the rest of the body and put great strain on it. 

And if one member suffers, all the parts [share] the suffering; if one member is honored, all the members [share in] the enjoyment of it. Now you [collectively] are Christ's body and [individually] you are members of it, each part severally and distinct [each with his own place and function].” (1 Corinthians 12:26-27 AMPC)

When a leader is in sin, it opens the door to demonic spirits in the church. This was a great mistake by the MorningStar ministry board. When a church ministry board hides a leader’s sin and protects the leader, and then the leader quits the church in a contentious way, does that leader really think that his hidden sin is going to remain hidden from the church? When a leader gives a ministry board “dirt” to hold over them, that minister is under their control. If that minister ever decides to throw off the control of that ministry board, then they better expect that “dirt” to be made public.

That is simply the elementary principles of the religious/political system that Chris should have known. Bottom line, if you don’t want to have your name dragged through the mud and your secret sins revealed, then don’t have secret sins, don’t be in public ministry, and don't have any part of the political/religious system. No one forces leaders to be in the spotlight of public ministry. They make the decision themselves. Those in public ministry who are secretly sinning demonstrate that they do not fear God by their actions (yet they will obviously claim they fear God with their mouths). Those who truly fear God know He will expose them publicly if they sin in private.

Lying to the Church

According to Chris, he had repented of his sin and went through restoration, yet in 2024 he publicly lied to the church. He told the church at MorningStar that he “had a texting conversation go the wrong way, but that it didn’t become anything more.” This was a lie to the people of God. What Chris did fits the definition of “insincere” to perfection. The video can be viewed (along with his later confession of sin) below: 

The scriptures show the fearful reality that if we lie publicly to the church (God’s temple), we are lying to the Holy Spirit (who dwells in God’s corporate temple). This is a very serious sin. Ananias and Sapphira technically lied to God’s people, but because the Holy Spirit dwelt among them, Peter stated that they had actually lied to God:

BUT A certain man named Ananias with his wife Sapphira sold a piece of property, And with his wife's knowledge and connivance he kept back and wrongfully appropriated some of the proceeds, bringing only a part and putting it at the feet of the apostles. But Peter said, Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart that you should lie to and attempt to deceive the Holy Spirit, and should [in violation of your promise] withdraw secretly and appropriate to your own use part of the price from the sale of the land? As long as it remained unsold, was it not still your own? And [even] after it was sold, was not [the money] at your disposal and under your control? Why then, is it that you have proposed and purposed in your heart to do this thing? [How could you have the heart to do such a deed?] You have not [simply] lied to men [playing false and showing yourself utterly deceitful] but to God. Upon hearing these words, Ananias fell down and died. And great dread and terror took possession of all who heard of it.” (Acts 5:1-5 AMPC)

Since God is not currently present in the modern church with the same level of His glory that was manifesting in the early church, Chris Reed was not struck down instantly like Ananias and Sapphira. It was the mercy of God to give Chris time to repent and be truthful before the body of Christ. However, I believe that lying to the church to cover up sin is as insincere as it gets, and it is a disqualifying factor for church leadership. One cannot be a church overseer if they will lie to the people of God. The Lord’s sheep should never follow any leader who has proven to be untrustworthy and dishonest or allow that person to be their shepherd.

I do not believe that Chris has publicly repented of lying to the church as of the time of this writing. 

When the Roy’s Report first asked Chris about his relationship with Katherine in August of 2024, he stated that they had met alone in a parking lot and “only hugged.” Then when he was asked if he had ever kissed Katherine, he admitted to it. This is a secondary demonstration of dishonesty in an attempt to cover sin and preserve his image (and possibly his credibility in ministry). Chris clearly tried to hide sin from the body of Christ by committing sins of lying. The full news report can be found here:

Unfaithfulness and Betrayal

The Lord is very loving and merciful and obviously forgives our sins when we confess our sins and repent. We are immediately restored to our relationship with the Lord. However, the Lord has high standards for His church leadership, and ministers must meet the qualifications found in the scriptures. Church overseers must also be proven in these character qualifications in order to lead a church. While there is no set time frame by the Lord, it’s evident that unless a leader is tested over a period of many years, their testing should not be considered valid in order to hold a leadership position in the church. A novice (speaking of spiritual maturity) cannot be a bishop or overseer. 

Anyone can go a couple of months or a year without engaging in disqualifying sins, but can they endure and overcome for years being tested in every way? Have they demonstrated honesty, loyalty, trustworthiness, goodness, and faithfulness? Can they hold up under the pressure of demonic attacks and shepherd the flock of God in holiness? Or has the person demonstrated that he will give in to demonic temptation and start using the sheep of God for his own personal gain?

A church leader’s most basic qualifying factor is that he must take care of his own bride and manage his own household well. None of us are perfect as husbands, wives, or parents, but the most basic foundation of ministry is taking care of one’s own family. Ministers who do not remain faithful to their wives and instead pursue other women are simply not fit to take care of Christ’s bride. Ministers who would put their own self-centered desires ahead of their children (by pursuing other women, they put their family at risk of breaking apart) are not fit to care for the children of God. 

Again, there is no perfect example except Jesus. If we had to be perfect to conduct ministry, then no one would be leading in the church. But we do need to obey the standards that the Holy Spirit has set forth in His word. When we do not obey the Lord’s requirements for leaders, we are becoming a law unto ourselves and rebelling against God and His will. This is a serious issue that few in the church seem to be taking seriously. There are sins that disqualify a person from being a church overseer, and there are sins that do not disqualify one from being an overseer.

Chris demonstrated that he was unfaithful to his wife since he betrayed her with Katherine. A man does not have to have sexual intercourse with another woman to qualify as betraying his wife. If a man kisses another woman, he has betrayed his wife. I do not believe that all sexual sin is ranked the same and that some sins are worse. My point is that betrayal and unfaithfulness can occur without someone committing the physical act of adultery (a more severe sin). Regardless, it is clear that Chris committed sexual sin. Kissing another woman who is not your spouse is clearly sexual in nature. 

Any man who lusts after another woman to the point of physically kissing her is proving that he doesn’t love his wife with the Biblical definition of the word. If the man did really love his wife, he would not do something to damage her. The man would have waged warfare when faced with temptation and allowed Christ to win the battle through him to avoid falling into sin and betraying his wife.

The scriptures show us that God always gives us a way out of temptation and will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13). A man who really loves his wife demonstrates that love to her by being faithful to her physically and striving for inward heart purification. A sinful man gives in to his carnal desires and yields to fulfill and gratify his selfish desires even though God has provided a way out of the temptation. The carnal man ignores the pain that he might cause his wife and only focuses on fulfilling the lusts of the flesh. 

This sin has prophetic meaning regarding Christ and His bride. Chris had a responsibility to be faithful to his own bride, but instead kissed another woman who wasn’t his bride. Chris demonstrated by this action that he was not capable of faithfulness to his own bride, which speaks spiritually that he is not capable of being the “friend of the Bridegroom.” The “John the Baptist” messenger ministry should be watching over and protecting the Lord’s bride, not taking her for himself as with what happened with Katherine. Also, no messenger can make the bride ready unless he himself has been made ready inwardly (or at least attained to a greater degree of inward readiness). 

Qualifications for Church Overseers

For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I commanded you— if a man is blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of dissipation or insubordination. For a bishop must be blameless, as a steward of God, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but hospitable, a lover of what is good, sober-minded, just, holy, self-controlled, holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict those who contradict. (Titus 1:5-9)

for if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?) 1 Timothy 3:5

None of us set the guidelines for church leaders; the Lord does. Our opinions don’t matter. The Lord’s opinion matters. It’s interesting that the Holy Spirit doesn’t tell us that the primary qualifications for His leadership are prophetic gifting. He tells us that the standard for His leadership is godly character. Prophetic gifting is important and needed, but the person is not to lead if godly character isn't the foundation. Many believers think that just because someone is spiritually gifted, they are qualified to lead. These are the believers that ignore the word of God and, in essence, fool themselves. 

If someone in leadership is secretly betraying his wife and children by meeting with and kissing another woman in the church, that person is demonstrating that they are not fit to lead God’s people. The sinning leader has just demonstrated by his actions that he is not blameless, that he is self-willed, that he is not self-controlled, and that he is not just or holy. This applies to everyone in church leadership or aspiring to leadership. Either we meet the Lord’s standards and qualifications, or we don’t. This is not a complicated subject.

“SO THEN, let us [apostles] be looked upon as ministering servants of Christ and stewards (trustees) of the mysteries (the secret purposes) of God. Moreover, it is [essentially] required of stewards that a man should be found faithful [proving himself worthy of trust].” (1 Corinthians 4:1-2 AMPC)

The Lord’s prophets and apostles must be found faithful and trustworthy by the Lord according to His word. If rotten fruit (bad character) is being produced from these ministers while they are leading God’s people, it is a demonstration to the body of Christ that these leaders are not truly faithful and trustworthy. Believers would then be foolish (and demonstrating their lack of true discernment) if they continue to partake of a ministry that has proven itself to be bearing bad fruit. The outward fruit is a manifestation of the inward life. The inward life of Christ produces good fruit while the inward growth of sin, compromise, and lust produces bad fruit. If the tree (minister) was good, they would not be producing bad fruit such as lying, rebelling against the voice of the Holy Spirit, engaging in a romantic relationship with a ministry school student, and betraying their own wife. 

Ministers should not be submitting to the fear of man or allowing others to dictate whether or not they function in their calling. However, when ministers reject the clear guidelines set by the Holy Spirit in scripture, they should be avoided by the church. If ministers are having dreams and visions telling them to continue in ministry when they have disqualified themselves according to scriptures, then their dreams and visions are corrupted, and they are not hearing the Lord properly any longer. This is also a test for believers. Are we going to follow the clear will of God in the scriptures, or are we going to follow our own will and human compassion and support ministers who are unqualified? Will other ministers share their platform with those who the Lord has shown as disqualified for ministry? The Lord will hold us accountable for our choices and actions. We will each give an account.

The New Testament does not contain any examples of the main church leaders falling into a disqualifying sin and then being restored to their leadership position. I’m not saying that the Lord does not restore leaders, but I am saying that the lack of scriptural support for the subject should cause us to ponder on this subject. The early church leaders were held to a high standard when the apostles and prophets were not engaging in sexual sin and then trying to keep their ministries or leadership positions. These leaders were not lying to the church. This should show us how far the modern church is from the first-century church. We need to repent of our compromise and our humanistic false grace theology. 

Issues of the Heart

Chris Reed admitted to the Roy's Report that he had sent “terrible” text messages to Katherine. Katherine states in the videos below that these texts were sexual in nature. This reveals that there was (and possibly still is) sexual sin in Chris’ heart. I understand that many men are battling and struggling with sexual sin within their hearts, and Jesus Christ can certainly set free those who are being held captive. The Lord has different requirements for all of us depending on our level of spiritual maturity, and His desire is that every man be free of inward sexual sin. 

The point I need to make is that someone bound in inward sexual sin should not be leading a church. A church leader must be someone who had already allowed Christ to conquer this sin in him and heal his heart. Then this person must be tested over a period of many years to make sure they are staying repentant and not falling back into sin. It is a process of healing and deliverance that takes time and must be proven. A two-month “restoration” period is not going to cut it. 

If a married church leader is sending sexual text messages to a woman in his congregation, then it is just an outward manifestation of the major sexual issues within his own heart. The lustful and sinful messages are coming out of the overflow of His heart. This, in and of itself, is a clear disqualifying factor. No one should be shepherding God’s precious sheep until they have been delivered of demons, their heart has been cleansed and refined by the Holy Spirit, and their character has been tested and approved over a significant period of time. 

Here is some of Katherine’s testimony regarding her encounters with Chris Reed:

Katherine’s Written Statement:

Some might call into question Katherine’s testimony and state the scripture that we should not receive an accusation against an elder unless two or three witnesses come forward. Generally this is true; however, Chris already admitted to a good portion of Katherine’s testimony, and she was the one who actually told the truth about the relationship first. Also, as shown above, Chris first tried to cover this event up from the church and lied about it. He met with a woman privately behind his wife’s back while withholding it from her. This shows everyone that Chris’ testimony cannot be trusted as he has a history of being deceitful. Given the circumstances and facts, a ministry with integrity issues cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Chris may be telling the truth in certain things, but how can his word be trusted?

Chris has not (to my knowledge) addressed Kathrine’s accusation that Chris told Kathrine he wished he could marry her. If this is true, it is extremely damaging to both Katherine and Chris’ wife. If Chris said this to Katherine, then it is a terrible betrayal of Chris’ wife. Clarity on this possible sin needs to be addressed by Chris Reed before things can move forward. At this point, Katherine has been more forthcoming about the relationship than Chris has been, and therefore I believe her testimony currently holds more weight.

This incident and the accusation of physical touching should be thoroughly investigated before Chris continues in any kind of ministry or oversees a church. National church leaders must have these claims investigated and presented to the national church for transparency. Failure to do so shows that the current church is nothing more than a religious system lacking true apostolic leadership. Katherine stated in her written testimony that Chris touched her in her private area sexually, and her statement should be read for full understanding of the incident. Chris’ statement does not match Katherine’s.

In Katherine’s statement, she shares her testimony and how she experienced traumatic abuse and sexual abuse as a child and teenager. She went to the MorningStar ministry school to get her life on track with the Lord but was in an extremely vulnerable state considering her past. She needed to be cared for and protected by a true shepherd, but instead she was used by Chris Reed, who held a position of power in the church. 

All of these details must be taken into consideration when weighing and judging this case. It’s not as simple as saying, “Two adults had an inappropriate romantic relationship.” The context surrounding the situation is key in exercising proper judgment. Katherine was deeply broken inwardly and doing her best to find the Lord and be healed. Chris surely saw this brokenness in her and used it to his advantage to fulfill certain desires he had. This is unacceptable for a shepherd and a disqualifying factor. 

Would Paul, an apostle, simply be quiet about something like this, or would he take action and address the subject in the church? Paul’s letters to the churches reveal the heart of a true apostle and how he addressed issues of sin in the church. Paul said that we, the church, must properly judge matters of sin in the church (1 Corinthians 5:12). In 1 Corinthians chapter 6, Paul rebukes the church in Corinth for failing to exercise proper judgment. I wonder what he would say about our failure to judge properly in this situation and also with many other circumstances in the current church. 

Chris Gave Katherine Money

In Katherine's full testimony, she shares about how Christ gave her money three different times, totaling close to one thousand dollars. Katherine stated this was prior to both of them confessing their sin to leadership. Chris, again, shares a different account. Chris seemed to barely remember giving her money and stated it happened after the sin was revealed to leadership and that the money was for counseling. Katherine states that Chris' statement is untrue. Chris Reed has taken down his Youtube video regarding this issue. Katherine's entire testimony can be found here on this YouTube channel:

Lack of Restoration

Justin Perry, former long-time pastor and ministry school leader at MorningStar, believes that Chris Reed never went through a proper restoration process. He basically stated Chris didn’t preach for two months, did not go though restoration, and then Chris Reed was placed in charge of Justin and the entire ministry. Justin’s testimony can be watched in the following videos:

A true restoration (after damaging one of God’s sheep and one’s own wife) would be to sit out of ministry for an extended period of time (years) until the fallen minister is completely healed, delivered, and reapproved through testing. Working a “normal” job for five years would be a good thing for that minister.

The leader must be reapproved so that he is not at risk for betraying his wife or damaging more of the Lord’s sheep. Ministers face great conflict in the spirit realm from powers of darkness and must be able to hold up under the extreme pressure. If a minister falls apart and gives in to sin, it is evident that the minister is not ready for that level of leadership and warfare. The humble will acknowledge this and step down, while the prideful will continue on in ministry like nothing ever happened. 

Chris Reed did make a YouTube video attempting to discredit Justin Perry (and Rick Joyner) in which he showed private text messages sent to him by Justin but has since removed the video. Here is the video which was posted by a minister (which I do not agree with all his views) who had saved Chris’ videos:

Rick Joyner States Chris is Unqualified for Ministry

While I love and respect Rick Joyner (founder of Morningstar Ministries), I strongly disagree with his handling of Todd Bentley and the “restoration” process that Chris Reed went through under his leadership. Rick Joyner has now come forward and publicly repented for putting Chris in charge of the ministry and acknowledging his own fault in that. Therefore I must commend Rick for that action, and I respect that he humbled himself and confessed this to the body of Christ in repentance. It would benefit the church if Rick would also repent for re-commissioning Todd Bentley and failing to discipline and remove him from ministry. Believers have been damaged by Todd Bentley, and Rick is sharing in Todd's sins (1 Timothy 5:22). Here are the statements that Rick has made regarding Chris:

In the above videos, Rick makes it clear that he does not feel Chris is qualified for ministry any longer. I believe it was a rushed restoration process for Chris in 2022 and that there was a failed restoration process for Todd Bentley (2009-2011). Rick has been very quick in restoring fallen ministries to ministry and seems heavy on “grace” in this area, so for him, making these statements regarding Chris says a lot. Keep in mind that Rick was gracious enough to turn a massive ministry over to Chris, which gave him a huge following in the church. This demonstrates that Rick was trying to empower the next generation of leaders.

My article regarding Todd Bentley may be found here:

There are many who trusted MorningStar leadership regarding Chris Reed’s restoration in 2022 (after the truth actually came out in 2024). But are those same ministers and believers trusting Rick now? I would make the argument that if you trusted what Rick did in 2022, then you would have to trust what he is saying now regarding Chris not actually being restored. Otherwise it’s just “flip-flopping” to whatever makes you feel good or switching back and forth to whatever narrative you want to believe. There is a clear contradiction to have the attitude of, “I believe MorningStar leadership handled Christ Reed’s restoration process correctly in 2022, but now I don’t trust Rick Joyner anymore, and he is not correct about Chris being currently disqualified.” Again, I believe Rick was wrong in 2022 (which he admitted) and he has now stepped up and done the right thing. 

Those ministers who are now disregarding Rick Joyner’s current assessment of Chris Reed by having Chris speak at their church or having him on their platform are essentially ignoring Rick Joyner’s counsel and judgment. Certain leaders, by their actions, are saying that Rick Joyner is wrong and stating that they aren’t going to listen to him. Therefore these actions are showing a rift in current church leadership. The leaders that are having Chris speak at a church or on their platform would most likely be proponents of listening to and obeying church leadership and those in authority. Yet these same leaders are not practicing what they preach since they are completely disregarding Rick Joyner’s judgment and decision regarding Chris Reed being unfit for ministry. 

What does that say about the national church when even leaders don’t listen to or take the advice of other established leadership? It shows that there is a terrible crisis in the church that current leadership is causing by actions that are inconsistent with their preaching and teaching. Many believers are seeing the truth of what is going on and are pulling further and further away from the established religious leadership because of the inconsistent actions. Leaders think that believers don’t really see what is going on, but many do see and are not tolerating it any longer. The old religious systems are being exposed and toppled.

Some may argue that Rick is only saying Chris is unqualified for ministry because he left MorningStar and is doing it from improper heart motives. This could be true, but it doesn’t mean that Rick is wrong in this judgment. We use the scriptures to see God’s will and stand on them, not our own opinions. Rick‘s current judgment aligns with the word of God.

Note: I understand that recently some have called into question Rick Joyner’s truthfulness and statements he made regarding not initially knowing all the information about Chris and Katherine (when he most likely did know). This is very unfortunate and troubling; however, this article is about Chris Reed’s sin and disqualification, not Rick Joyner. I can only address what the Holy Spirit has called me to, and I will let others who have more information address Rick Joyner. Although these two issues are connected, they must be treated and judged separately.

Chris Speaks Against Rick Joyner

Chris Reed released several bitter statements against Rick Joyner on his YouTube channel. Chris has since taken these statements down and apologized, but I believe it’s important to look at one of these because it speaks to an integrity issue. In the beginning of 2024, Chris praised Rick and stated how great he is, and by September 2024, Chris told people that Rick was trying to destroy his ministry. This is very conflicting, and I believe it calls into question the integrity of Chris Reed. It shows how quickly Chris turned on his friend and mentor. How can someone who will turn on someone else that quickly be trusted? 

Chris also posted a YouTube video where he showed personal text messages that Rick had sent him in private and in good faith. Some would view this as a breach of trust. Imagine having a good friend who you shared your heart with only to have that friend betray your trust and share your private conversation with thousands of people. I don’t think any of us would like that, and we would see that as a breach of trust and a betrayal. We certainly would guard ourselves against that person and never fully trust them again. 

I’m sure that Rick was upset with Chris for suddenly quitting MorningStar without talking to Rick and explaining everything. I’m sure Chris was upset with Rick for stating that he didn’t feel Chris was qualified for ministry after abandoning the MorningStar people. Anyway, there is a way that a mature leader should handle something like this and there is a way not to handle this. The way that this shouldn’t be handled is doing YouTube videos to attempt to justify yourself and discredit another minister (Chris has since taken down those YouTube videos). The proper course of action is to go meet with the other minister and try to work things out with them. 

After seeing how Chris spoke about Rick and revealed his personal text messages, I can certainly say that I would not trust Chris as a friend. If he would do that to a mentor and friend like Rick Joyner, then what would he do to others? Our actions show who we are regardless of who we tell people that we are. We better pay attention to people’s actions lest we be steamrolled by them. Is someone doing to others the things that they would want done to them? Or are they breaking trust and doing things that they wouldn’t want done to them? We know those who are operating out of love as opposed to those who are operating out of their self-life by this test. 

One can discern that there is something not right within Chris’ soul in the below video. He actually attacks Rick Joyner and states that Rick’s motives were to stop or destroy his own ministry (Chris’ ministry). It’s very hard for us to know someone else’s motives, and I believe Chris’ statements are an overreach. Chris had known Rick for at least three years when he praised Rick in January 2024, and then in only eight months Chris believes Rick is trying to destroy his ministry. Something is not right with this. Here is the video:

Chris Reed made this statement regarding MorningStar leadership (but has since removed his YouTube video): “I think the thing that bothers me the most is when Rick Joyner said last week that I abandoned the sheep. No, I abandoned a ministry that it took me a year and a half as the senior leader, as the CEO, to figure out that there was such a toxic, corrupt environment. I’m not talking about the Sunday morning crowd. I’m not talking about the saints, the people that just attend. I’m talking about the management, the structure itself.”

An article citing this quote can be found here:

In the video above, Chris gives high praises to Rick Joyner. Yet in the above statement, Chris said that after a year and a half as a leader at MorningStar, he knew it was a corrupt environment. Did Chris know MorningStar was a corrupt environment in January of 2024 after being there for two and a half years when he praised Rick Joyner? If Chris was the senior leader and CEO of MorningStar, why didn’t Chris clean up the toxic and corrupt environment? As Chief Executive Officer, one has full authority to change the entire ministry and remove every person who is corrupt or toxic. A shepherd has a responsibility to the sheep to make sure that they are in a safe environment. Why weren’t actions taken to protect God’s people by the ministry leader?

Chris might say that Rick Joyner and the ministry board controlled him and prevented him from making changes. If this was the case, then they would be the ones endangering the sheep. It would then be a true shepherd’s responsibility to lay his own life (ministry) down to protect the sheep. In that type of situation, a leader (CEO/lead pastor) should take a stand against a corrupt ministry board to protect God’s people. Jesus would not resign His position to try and save His own life and ministry. Jesus would lay down His reputation in order to help and protect His people.

If Chris wasn’t getting anywhere by taking a private stand against the ministry board, then he should have taken the evidence of corruption to the entire church so they would see and understand the situation. Then with the backing of the entire church, the ministry board corruption could have been dealt with. A safe environment would have been created for God's people.

However, the ministry board had “dirt” on Chris Reed from his sin of sexual immorality with his illicit relationship with Katherine. Therefore, Chris could not stand against the ministry board because they had control over him. He could not function as a true CEO out of fear that his secret sin would be made public. Therefore, Chris decided to start his own ministry when a sexual abuse scandal involving minors broke out in the church, and the sheep would have to fend for themselves in the corrupt and toxic environment.

Letter of Resignation

In the above letter, Chris states that he has “nothing but respect and honor for the leadership of MorningStar Ministries” and that he has “no negative feelings toward anyone here.” However, according to Chris’ own statement, he knew that MorningStar leadership (the ministry board) was corrupt and toxic. Therefore, Chris was lying in his letter of resignation and misleading people. Chris was leaving a “toxic and corrupt” ministry while pretending to the public that everything was just fine. How can one have respect and honor for leadership that you think is toxic and corrupt? How can you not have any negative feelings toward leadership if you believe they are toxic and corrupt?

These facts make Chris’ letter of resignation seem disingenuous and hypocritical. It seems like a phony letter that a politician would write with the pretense that everything is alright. It didn’t take long to see through the facade of that letter in which it was proven that everything was not alright. Everything was a mess under the surface. The Pharisees always pretended that everything was perfect on the outside, but inwardly there was much that was wrong. Jesus considers this hypocrisy and the leaven of the Pharisees. Real leaders are going to be genuine and honest with people and not try to cover over things with whitewash.

Chris Preaching While Engaged in an Immoral Relationship

The above video is a sermon that Chris preached in December of 2021 while he was in sin with Katherine. One of the most damaging things to the body of Christ is when a preacher can be in hidden sin, yet preach a message to believers about loving God more and becoming closer to Him. This is the very definition of hypocrisy and this is how the Pharisees operated. They preached to people what they needed to do while they were living in corruption and sin. This is the greatest betrayal to Christ and His body and is a disqualifier for leadership. 

Being a minister or a preacher used to be such a great and holy honor. Now some in the church and some leaders tolerate sinful leaders who make a mockery out of the ministry. Leaders support other fallen leaders to continue in the ministry even when they have proven themselves to be disqualified and didn't go through any restoration. Leaders will even go and speak at the fallen leaders’ church when that person has proven to despise the ministry through hypocrisy.

In the above video, Chris preaches about going back into your old life after you have chosen to follow Christ by using Peter as an example. At the very time of that message, Chris was in a sinful relationship with Kathrine. Chris had gone back to an old life of sin (not just fishing for food like Peter was doing). Chris preached about how church splits happen and there is conflict because of immaturity and lack of love, only to eventually split away from MorningStar and have conflict with Rick Joyner.

Chris then preaches about selfishness coinciding with the religious spirit in the context of not having the love of God in us. Chris stated that selfish people want things their own way. During that exact time, Chris was selfishly meeting with, kissing, and touching a woman who was not his wife. He was selfishly taking another man’s wife (one day Katherine is to be a wife to someone). Chris selfishly wanted two women and was demonstrating that he was not operating in the love of God towards his own wife or Katherine. He was doing the exact opposite of what he was preaching to the church.

While we should forgive Chris for his sins against the body of Christ, I do not know how believers can trust him to minister to them. A minister must be a person of integrity who is living what they are preaching and not filled with the leaven of hypocrisy. Ministers who are hypocrites will destroy the trust of the church and damage believers who are young in the faith. Living a secret life of sin while preaching from a leadership position of influence will cause believers to lose faith in church leadership. Once believers lose faith in church leadership, they will back away from the church and therefore not be made ready as a bride of Christ nor come to the fullness of His stature. 

Damaged Ministry School Students

Think about all the young ministry school students who were damaged when they found out that Chris had a sensual and forbidden relationship with Katherine. These students probably held Chris in such a high regard and believed he was walking in holiness and righteousness. Most likely, these ministry students had great respect and honor for Chris because of his prophetic gifting. That's probably why Katherine was drawn to him after Chris initiated the relationship. 

However, Chris betrayed the trust of the entire ministry school. It’s possible that many of those students will never trust leaders again. It’s possible that some are in a backslidden state because of Chris’ actions. Has any leader sought to make contact with all the ministry school students who were at Morningstar during the time that Chris Reed was there? Or are the leaders in the church only concerned about making contact with Chris Reed and ensuring that his new church and ministry are going alright? The reality behind this shows us the state of current church leadership. It’s largely a leadership that looks after “one” another and leaves the 99 sheep that were scattered to fend for themselves. What a disgrace!

But when you bring up these valid points to current leaders and when you preach that only leaders who qualify according to 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 should be overseers, some leaders condemn you for bringing slander and accusations. Shame on those leaders for trying to stop the righteous judgment and standard of God in His word from being upheld in His church. 

If you had a 20-year-old daughter, would you want her to go to Chris Reed’s church and be in the school of the prophets? If your answer is “no,” or you have doubts about being able to trust Chris Reed to care for your daughter properly after what happened with Katherine, then it is evidence that Chris does not belong in church leadership. I wonder if the ministers who are supporting Chris in his new church plant would trust him to shepherd their young daughters. If they would not send their daughters to be under Chris Reed’s authority then these leaders have no business endorsing Chris, speaking at his church, or helping him continue ministry in any way whatsoever. It seems that these leaders would be willing to trust your young daughters with Chris, but I highly doubt they would trust him with their own. And if they did, they would be foolish leaders. 

Early Church Discipline and Judgment 

Early church fathers in the third century took accusations of immorality very seriously. When a bishop was suspected of immorality, a church council would convene to investigate the allegations and decide on a course of action. The bishop would be removed from their position of overseer if the accusations of immorality were proven true. Early Christians had high moral standards for their leaders. The removal of bishops was considered necessary at times in order to maintain the standard of righteousness in the church. Moral integrity was highly valued in the early church, and overseers were actually held to Biblical standards. 

In our day, worldliness and sin have flooded the church. It has become almost acceptable for church overseers to continue in ministry after getting divorced (on unbiblical grounds) from their wives and to marry another. Believers don’t even recognize this as adultery (which Jesus clearly defined) and will continue to support the adulterous minister in some way. Our standards have become so pathetic that the saints in Heaven must be wondering how we have fallen so far away from the truth. Now when a minister sends sexual messages to a woman who is not his wife and kisses her, we say things like, “Who are you to judge and cast stones? God loves that minister, and he has said he is sorry and repented.” 

Some believers make excuses for ministers who sin so they can stay in their positions of authority while the early church removed the offenders to protect the moral credibility of the church. Currently the church has very little credibility, and the world is mocking us. Some church leaders are no different than sinful worldly leaders, and the church tolerates it! The current national church leaders who do nothing when a minister is found to be in sin will be held accountable before the judgment seat of Christ. 

Jesus did not give those leaders a large platform just to built and protect their own ministry kingdom. They have that national or international platform to bring righteous judgment in the church. Their failure to act and judge righteously has allowed the church to be infected by sin and compromise. These leaders will be held responsible by Christ because their inaction has contributed to very low standards of righteousness in the church compared to the early church. I pray that the Lord raises up His leadership that will correct this grave mistake and bring forth a Biblical standard of moral conduct back into the church. 

Decades ago, prophetic ministries wrote books and prophesied about the coming war in the church. Little did those ministries know that they would be a part of the cause of the civil war they prophesied about. By building a religious and political system of control in the church, some leaders have used this system to protect their own ministries and reputations and to cover their sins. Younger believers are sick of the lies, deception, and the cover-ups and are dividing against the “old guard,” or senior leaders who hold the positions of power in the church. 

Some prophetic people who warned us of the coming civil war in the church yet have helped cause the thing they warned of. They have become old wineskins that are so entrenched in the religious system they built that they can’t see properly. In ways they have become spiritually blind and use their positions of authority to cover the sins of other leaders. This discredits leaders and the church, all while adding fuel to the fire of the civil war. The next generation of believers and older believers who are coming out into the remnant are not going to take the devaluing of God’s word and the low moral leadership standards any longer. The “old religious guard” needs to get out of the way and retire, or they will find themselves fighting against the Lord and what He is doing regarding bringing restoration to His church. 

I believe in honoring leaders and fathers in the faith. I do not believe in supporting leaders who use the church as their kingdom to control believers through authoritarianism and a false covering doctrine. I believe that many believers have been underutilized by church leaders, and therefore the body of Christ has not been functioning properly. Even more leaders who cover up sin and cover for sinning leaders so that they can keep their religious system functioning properly will soon be judged by the Lord. Leaders who use their religious office to wield authoritarian control over the church will soon be judged by the Lord. They better repent now because the time for repentance is very short. 

What good is it if preachers talk about holiness, righteousness, and the inward life of Christ, and then when leaders sin, those preachers say and do nothing? For some, their preaching has become only talk while they allow ministers who are manifesting bad fruit to continue in ministry unhindered. Real leaders and real apostles are going to challenge the leaders who are demonstrating bad fruit. Leaders can talk about making the bride ready, but are they actually protecting the bride by confronting leadership bearing bad fruit (in order to actually take action to protect the bride)? The bride will not be made ready in our generation if leaders “stand down” and allow the bride to sit under compromised and unapproved leadership. 

True Shepherds

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. But a hireling, he who is not the shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them. The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep." (John 10:11-13 NKJV)

A real shepherd that is allowing Jesus to minister through them protects God's people and puts them before himself or his ministry. A false shepherd will put a sheep in his mouth like a wolf to use that sheep for his own sinful desires. These are hirelings who abandon the flock to preserve their own ministry or reputation when there is difficulty or trouble. Also, an overseeing false shepherd will allow another false shepherd to keep their position of power over the flock, even when the false shepherd has proven to be wolf-like by preying on a sheep. The Lord's true shepherds follow their Master Shepherd and make sure that His sheep are healthy and not damaged. They do not allow sinful shepherds to maintain influence over the flock once they have proven to be untrustworthy. False shepherds are made evident by the actions or lack of actions.

Discrediting of Messengers

Chris Reed seemed upset that his private sin was made public right after he left MorningStar and just as he was going to launch his own church. I’m not sure what leaders expect. Do leaders think that they can sin against God, the church, and one of the Lord’s precious sheep and that there will not be any consequences? If so, they are in deception and have no fear of the Lord within them. Some leaders are finding out who the Lord truly is the hard way as their false perceptions fall to the ground. 

Once you give the Devil something in you and give him something over you, he is going to wait until a time of his choosing and then allow it to be revealed. Leaders will be slaves to the Devil when they yield to him and give him power over them. When exposed, they will either blame others or humble themselves and take full responsibility for their sins and failures. Their character will be made manifest in their responses. 

Again, I do not agree with Rick Joyner and the Morningstar board regarding their decision to withhold Chris’ transgression from the church and not publicly addressing it when it was discovered in early 2022. Chris sinned against the church, and the sheep of God need to know what kind of shepherd is overseeing them. A shepherd who will abuse even one of the sheep cannot be trusted to take care of the whole flock. A shepherd must be willing to lay down his life for the sheep and is unqualified if he uses the sheep for his own personal desires (whatever those desires may be). 

I believe that a part of the Charismatic Movement has drifted into false grace. Some in leadership seem more concerned about restoring a fallen leader to a place in authority rather than making sure the Lord’s sheep are protected and healthy. The last time I checked, the only valid reason for being a church overseer is to make sure that the Lord’s people are spiritually healthy, coming to know the Lord intimately, and increasing in maturity to the fullness of Christ’s measure. 

The activities that occurred under Chris’ leadership were sins against the entire church, not just his wife and another woman. These events always affect the entire church (even if believers don’t verbalize this to leadership). Young or immature believers are especially damaged and are caused to lose trust in church leadership. Satan desires events like this to destroy young believers and erode their faith in the church and leadership. Ephesians chapter 4 indicates that we can only come to full maturity when all five leadership gifts of Christ are functioning in the church. Therefore, if believers don’t trust in and receive godly leadership, the church will never come to the full measure of Christ's stature.

Satan’s strategy is to get leaders into sin and then expose them at the most opportune time to destroy confidence in leadership and do maximum damage in the church. Leaders must take this seriously and not just brush it off like it’s no big deal when a leader falls into sin. We must have hearts for God's sheep and protect them. If we do not, then we should not be in any kind of leadership position whatsoever. Real leaders don’t cover up sin. Real leaders address it appropriately and biblically and then bring righteous judgment so that the church remains healthy and growing in maturity. 

(In the context of church elders or overseers) “Those who sin, reprove in the sight of all, that the rest also may be in fear.” (1 Timothy 5:20 WEB) 

I also understand that there are compromising leaders who don’t like the above scripture and have a very convincing way of explaining it away. 

I hear Galatians 6:1-2 quoted often regarding fallen ministers (which that verse is not discussing leadership, but leaders tend to make it about themselves), but why don’t we quote it when talking about the “normal” sheep in the church that were damaged? It seems like oftentimes the church leaders only focus on the minister who sinned and the sheep get sent to some other field and forgotten about! Is this the love of God and His heart for the church? True shepherds are revealed by their actions, not their talk or sermons.

Chris Reed’s Failed Prophecies

I wanted to include a few failed prophecies in this article because I believe it speaks to the mixture in Chris. I’m sure Chris can be accurate and has given accurate prophetic words. However, because of the mixture, some prophetic things he is saying are not from the Lord. These false prophecies have the potential to cause believers to reject prophecy and the prophetic ministry (which is a shame). One of Satan’s strategies is to cause believers to turn away from the power of God and the prophetic by releasing false prophecies. I’m not saying that Chris is operating by the power of Satan, but if we are giving false prophecies, we are at minimum helping Satan with his mission of damaging the church and turning people away from the fullness of the Holy Spirit. 

Here are a few of Chris Reed’s false prophecies:

Prophecy 1: “The "Ronald-Donald" battle. I saw in a vision Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis battling it out for the Republican presidential nomination. A nasty battle will unfold in the primaries. Trump will accuse DeSantis of not being loyal to him and will express betrayal because DeSantis refused to bow out, just so he can have another run at Trump. Just when it looks like DeSantis is creeping ahead of Trump, dirt will be dug up and cold evidence will be used against him. I saw this in a news headline.” 

Prophecy 2: “I also saw a woman of color, which I predicted last year. I do not know her ethnicity, but a woman of color will carry a word and will carry Trump to the top of the ticket and help restore his credibility, which was lost with voters over the last two years. This woman of color will come alongside him and bring to light the corruption in social media and the American election system. She will help vindicate his claims of election fraud.” 

Prophecy 3: “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will not be the leading Democratic Party ticket in the next election cycle. I saw a man winning the Democratic nomination, but it was not Joe Biden.”

Concerning the first prophecy of the 2024 election, Trump and DeSantis were never nearly tied in the polls. DeSantis never even came close to Trump, as Trump was always way ahead. No dirt was ever dug up and used against DeSantis to push Trump over the edge and give him the Republican nomination. These are speculations from the soul. Many people believed it would be close between Trump and DeSantis, but it never was. God definitely was not confused about the subject, so we can say with certainty that this word was not from the Lord.

Concerning the second prophecy of the 2024 election, a woman of color did not bring Trump to the top of the ticket because he was always at the top of the ticket. A woman of color never restored Trump’s credibility among voters because he never really lost it where it needed to be restored. To date, no woman of color has come forward to vindicate Trump’s claims regarding election fraud. 

Concerning the third prophecy of the 2024 election, Joe Biden did not lead the Democratic ticket, but Kamala Harris did. Chris saw a man receive the nomination, but he was incorrect. This shows that Chris is seeing some visions that are not from God. There is no other conclusion that one can make. Chris is saying the Lord showed him that a man (other than Joe Biden) would win the Democratic ticket, but it was actually Kamala Harris who did. The Lord did not show Chris anything regarding this issue. 

These prophetic words were not conditional words that simply didn’t come to pass because the church prayed and avoided them. They were predictions that did not contain a revelation of Jesus Christ and failed to come to pass. Here are two more prophecies regarding the 2024 election that Chris gave which were not from the Lord:

Chris actually prophesied that Joe Biden would be out of the presidential office prior to the 2024 election. This was clearly false, as Biden stayed in office throughout the entire election. Chris stated that he was “standing on” this prophetic word and that it was not “guesswork.” It turns out that this word was indeed a guess that did not materialize into reality. Chris also states that Kamala will be president for the final months or weeks of Biden’s presidential term. At the time of this writing, there are still several weeks for this portion of the prophecy to come true, but given the fact that Chris Reed has already missed four prophecies regarding the 2024 presidential election, one could assume with a certain level of confidence that this prophecy will prove false as well within a few weeks. These failed words demonstrate a catastrophic failure in his prophetic ministry.

It’s a very serious thing when ministers and prophets are saying the Lord is speaking to them and then completely missing prophetic words. It’s one thing to get a word wrong in your local church when you are growing in the prophetic. It’s an entirely other thing to completely miss national prophetic words when you have a national platform as a prophet. It gives ammunition to those Pharisees who are speaking against prophecy and the gifts of the Spirit. It makes the charismatic church look fake and false and turns believers away from truths in scriptures. It creates mixture and confusion. 

I have noticed that some operating in the prophetic are quick to trumpet the prophetic words that they got right while sweeping the words they got wrong under the rug. Missed national level prophetic words require national level explanations and repentance to the body of Christ. Prophetic ministers who pretend they didn’t miss words and don’t address it with the church are doing a great disservice to the people of God. Believers are not stupid and they recognize and remember when prophets give failed predictions without repenting. 

Those who make excuses for false prophecies or try to explain them away will drift into deception as the great falling away from the faith accelerates over the coming years. When prophets are giving false prophecies to the church, the Lord is trying to tell us something. The question is, will we listen to what the Lord is trying to tell us, or will we ignore it? What does it mean when the Lord lets a prophet’s words fall to the ground? He surely did not let Samuel’s prophetic words fail:

So Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground. And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba knew that Samuel had been established as a prophet of the LORD. (1 Samuel 3:19-20). 

Faking Prophecies by Using Social Media (2025 Update)

Remnant Radio released a video stating that multiple witnesses are accusing Chris Reed of faking prophecies to them. Remnant Radio addressed this with Chris Reed, and apparently Chris confessed to them regarding using social media or accessing online information of people and then passing that information off as prophetic revelation. In other words, Chris told people that the Lord was giving him information about them, but in reality, Chris was getting that information about them from an online source, thus lying in the name of the Lord. Remnant Radio states that Chris never came forward and fully repented for this.

It is a serious sin to say the Lord is saying something about a person when the Lord didn't say it. Making up prophetic revelation is a serious sin and is an absolute disqualifying factor from prophetic ministry. One would only do something like this so people would think they are more prophetic than they actually are. It damages the true prophetic ministry and the church. It shows that the person committing this sin does not have integrity and cannot be trusted to speak for the Lord. Faking prophecies is something a real minister would never do. Please view the following video for a more complete understanding of this situation.

Accused of Abusing Alcohol (2025 Update)

Chris Reed was accused of abusing alcohol while ministering by Jason Healey in February 2025 (a former MoringStar member). Healey also stated that he personally witnessed Rick Joyner drinking alcohol and becoming drunk. Jason Healey said that Tom Hardiman sent him a text message joking about how much Rick Joyner and Chris Reed had been drinking, and Chris Reed was preaching while these text messages were being exchanged. These accusations have not been verified yet, but given all the other evidence that has come forward regarding Chris Reed, these accusations should be taken seriously by national apostolic leadership to determine if they are true or not.

Do not drink wine or intoxicating drink, you, nor your sons with you, when you go into the tabernacle of meeting, lest you die. It shall be a statute forever throughout your generations, that you may distinguish between holy and unholy and between unclean and clean, and that you may teach the children of Israel all the statutes which the Lord has spoken to them by the hand of Moses.” (Leviticus 10:9-11 NKJV)

Ministers who abuse alcohol and minister while drinking are not able to properly teach the people of God regarding the will of the Lord. Their understanding and discernment are dulled, and they begin to pervert the truth. These ministers are not able to distinguish between the holy and the profane. They begin to teach people what they “think” is holy while starting to drift into what God says is profane.

If the alcohol abuse by Chris Reed is found to be true, it is yet another disqualifying factor from being a bishop or overseer of a church, as a bishop should not be “a drinker” or “given to wine” (1 Timothy 3:3).

Final Judgment

I understand that Chris Reed has come forward and apologized for some of the things mentioned in this article. Unfortunately, some of the things addressed in this article are recent and show what is currently in his heart. I believe any leader who the Lord has publicly exposed for sinning against the church should step down from ministry and undergo years of healing and restoration. Without doing this, their ministry gift and message will be corrupted, and a mixture will come forth from them. Their message and ministry will not come to full measure. They will prophesy, lead, and teach from a damaged soul instead of the purity of the Holy Spirit. 

Only the Holy Spirit can say whether or not a minister should be restored to leadership. He may restore some to leadership while not restoring others. It’s foolish to assume we know the will of God for every situation and every fallen minister. The Holy Spirit takes into account the type and degree of sin along with the inward state of a person's heart. He knows if a minister is truly restored or if they only “think” and say they are restored. It will take the coming together of true apostolic leaders to hear the Lord and determine if and when a fallen minister should be restored to ministry. 

Ministers who fail to cease ministry and be completely healed by the Holy Spirit will do some good things for the Kingdom of God. But they will also have a much greater potential of hurting and damaging people. There will be a level of bitterness and iniquity in their hearts that will be extremely difficult to be free of if they continue in ministry like nothing ever happened. Most importantly, any active overseer of a church must be proven by the Lord over an extended period of time (not just a few months or years) and be found compliant regarding 1 Timothy chapter 3 and Titus chapter 1. Those leaders who have shown themselves disqualified as a church overseer should not have the respect and trust of the body of Christ. We are either going to follow the will of the Lord or our own will. The choice is ours.

This article has been published because all of this information has already been released publicly (by Chris Reed, MorningStar, Katherine, The Roy's Report, and other parties). I am not exposing anything that hasn’t already been made available to the body of Christ. This article is an attempt to bring balance and guidance to the situation. This is not intended to be an attack on Chris Reed. I actually want to see the Lord’s perfect will for him and his family. It’s most important that Chris’ wife and children are healed from all of this and that they are walking with the Lord. I pray for their spiritual health, and I truly ask for the Lord’s grace to be upon them. 

When a minister chooses to take a leadership role in a ministry with national influence, they are choosing to be exposed to a grand public audience. The minister’s successes and failures will be magnified. This is why having a massive public influence is not always the right course and shouldn’t be something we desire or try to achieve. It seems really great when a minister is invited to a bunch of different national television shows and featured in national-level prophetic magazines and websites. It’s another thing when that minister then falls into sin because it will be exposed on a national level. 

This article is also written because Chris Reed started a church called Jesus Revolution Church in October 2024 in York, South Carolina. He is the overseer of the ministry. At this time, as per the Bible, Chris is not qualified as an overseer, and the body of Christ needs to be aware of this. This information had to be provided so believers can make informed decisions on whether they want to come under the influence of Chris Reed’s ministry or not. 

One may ask, “Who are you to make this judgment, and what gives you the right to do so?” My answer is that it’s not me making the judgment but the Lord through His word. I’m simply stating it because current well-known leadership won’t. Current well-known leadership needs to protect their reputations and their ministries. I do not. I lost my ambition for a well-known and highly respected ministry a while ago in the wilderness of isolation while carrying my cross. My desire is to be a vessel of the Lord that His voice can come through, regardless of what men think of me or how that may negatively affect my national influence or my ministry success among men. 

Church overseers do not get to live however they want and expect there not to be any consequences. A church overseer is held to a much higher moral standard than a president and should not be compared to the president. This article is written to point us back to the righteous standards that the Lord has outlined in his word. Those who do not want to live by the Lord‘s righteous standards should not be representing Him and should not be preaching His word. Truly the Lord will “cancel” leaders who use His sheep for their own benefit and continue on in ministry like nothing ever happened. The Lord will diminish their influence.

Yet some overseers want to shame believers for calling out their sin and manipulate the narrative by accusing believers of being a part of “the woke mob.” This is a disgrace. The current remnant church that is arising out of the religious system is not going to bypass and move on from the sins of current church overseers. The Lord is holding these overseers accountable for their actions, and judgment is coming in the house of God. If sinning leaders do not like this, then they need to get out of ministry. The Lord is tearing down the religious system of control, manipulation, and false human authority. This is the same system that covers up the sins of leaders and protects them so they can stay in the system and maintain power. 

Some will say that the enemy is just attacking Chris and that he needs to fight on and press into his calling, as it is time for the messengers to arise and not be deterred by the enemy! It certainly is time for the messengers who have not been compromised by sin to press in and not give heed to the enemy's attacks. But it was Chris’ decision to give in to the temptation of the enemy and thus disqualify himself as a church overseer according to Biblical standards. Just like Esau, we can give up our spiritual calling and inheritance for momentary carnal pleasures. And if we are going to call the righteousness standards in God’s word for church overseers, “attacks of the enemy,” then we are greatly deceived by the enemy already. Those in this camp have given heed to seducing spirits. 

Elijah and Moses (messengers of the Lord) spend many years in obscurity allowing the Lord to deal with their self-life and sin nature before they were commissioned and sent forth. They weren’t building their ministries and functioning in their gifting in their early 20s or 30s. They let the Lord do the work in them so that they wouldn’t fall into sexual sin, the love of money, or the pride of life. They are examples to us.

The Lord tested Gehazi through Elisha to see if he would qualify to carry the spirit and power of Elijah and fulfill the messenger ministry (2 Kings 5:15-27). Gehazi choose the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life over the messenger ministry. Just like Gehazi, current messengers are being tested before the Lord releases them in the fullness of the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord is making it evident to the body of Christ by exposing hidden sin to show us those who are disqualifying themselves as Gehazi did. The anointing was never transferred to Gehazi and he never walked in the ministry that he was called to. The question is, are we going to prop the “Gehazis” back up into ministry when the Lord has shown us that they are leprous, and therefore demonstrate we are operating in unsanctified mercy? Or will we agree with the truth that the Lord has revealed and stay away from the minister who has “leprosy?”

Commissioned and approved apostolic and prophetic ministries do not allow Jesus and His ministry through them to be discredited because of their own compromise. Those that allow their ministry to be blamed demonstrate that they are operating according to their own self-life instead of Christ’s life:

We put no obstruction in anybody's way [we give no offense in anything], so that no fault may be found and [our] ministry blamed and discredited.” (2 Corinthians 6:3 AMPC)

The church is no longer in the time period of the early 90s when a prophet could fall into sexual sin and then continue on in ministry. The Lord is judging His house and He is requiring His people to be clothed in white garments of righteousness. Either leaders are going to lead by example or they should not be leading at all. The Lord is sending His purifying judgment fire to the church and is requiring His bride to walk in His holiness. We must discern the times and the seasons, and we must understand that Jesus Christ expects His church to be progressing in maturity and to be prepared for His near coming. 

A minister who commits a disqualifying sin (from church leadership) and then repents and tells the church he is sorry has taken a good first step. However, this minister does not automatically qualify to maintain their position of authority simply by saying, “Sorry, I repent.” We can show forgiveness when a minister repents from his heart and tries to make things right, but it does not mean we should be alright with that minister continuing to lead the church. Forgiving a minister for their sin is something we should do (when they are sincere), but it would be unbiblical and a form of false grace if we supported them in continuing as a church overseer. The minister has broken trust with the church and shown themselves unapproved as church overseer by their actions.

It’s amazing that Chris’ wife forgave his sin so their marriage could continue and heal; however, the fact that Chris’ wife forgave him does affect anything regarding his disqualification as church overseer. Her forgiveness of Chris’ betrayal does not automatically re-qualify Chris as a church leader. 

Paul, functioning as an apostle, called out sin in the church (including leadership—Galatians chapter 2). Paul, functioning in this apostolic grace, brought God’s order to the church. When we call for righteous judgment in the church, we are following after our true church fathers. Only a sinful and compromised church leadership does not want these issues to be addressed. Obviously we walk in the grace of the Lord, knowing that Christ in us is righteous and only He can keep us from falling into sin ourselves. We must walk in faith, trusting that Christ is great in us and will not allow us to fall into sin while we are contending for truth, purity, and righteousness. 

If ministers preach holiness and purity and then support other leaders who have proven to be disqualified from leadership as per the scriptures, those ministers discredit their message and their ministry by the contradiction. Ministers can and should still be friends with a disqualified minister in order to love and help restore them. But it’s an entirely other thing to support a disqualified leader’s ministry that is continuing to operate in the body of Christ.

Some Christians will attempt to curse you when you are standing up for God’s word, His will, His righteousness, and His holy standards. These Christians will say things like, “If you speak about my sin publicly, then you are going to fall into sin! If you judge me, then you are going to fall and be judged!” These believers and leaders use this manipulation tactic so that you won’t address sin in the church and to keep you quiet. It’s a form of control. Paul didn’t fall into sin when he was in the will of the Lord addressing sin in the church. He was simply repeating the righteous will and judgment of God so believers had an understanding of how things should take place in God’s house. Obviously we should always stay within the grace that God has given us and be led by the Spirit (we only address something if the Holy Spirit has us do so).

If we do not hold to the biblical standard of leadership requirements, anyone with gifting will have an opportunity to oversee the church regardless of their character or fruit of the Spirit. This will do great harm to the Lord‘s church and actually prevent the bride from being made ready. If we give certain leaders “a pass” when they demonstrate bad character because they are gifted, we have become judges that are respecters of persons (judging with partiality and according to favoritism). When we do this, we pervert the truth, the scriptures, and the church. 

But if you show servile regard (prejudice, favoritism) for people, you commit sin and are rebuked and convicted by the Law as violators and offenders.” (James 2:9 AMPC)

I understand that the Lord may reasons for using someone like me to release this word. Maybe He would not want to use a minister who Chris knows personally so as to protect the friendship that they have. The Lord also most likely would not use a critic of Chris to release this word or a religious Pharisee who hates the prophetic and the power of God. I do not know Chris personally, and I’m a neutral party with nothing against him. I want the Lord’s will to come forth, and it brings me no joy to say that a person is disqualified from ministry. I desire all who are called by God in ministry to be empowered and commissioned. I release this article to the body of Christ with the purpose of being obedient to the messenger calling that the Lord has placed upon me. Grace and peace in Jesus name. 

December 2024 - Complied by Generation Chosen Overseer