Recommended Ministries:
Photo by Ty Unruh
Recommended Books
Rick Joyner
The Final Quest
The Call
The Path
The Harvest
John Kingsley Alley
The Apostolic Revelation
The Spirit of Sonship
Holy Communion
Charles Finney
The Autobiography of Charles Finney
How to Experience Revival
Roberts Liardon
The Roaring Reformers (God's Generals)
The Revivalists (God's Generals)
Why They Succeeded and Why Some Failed (God's Generals)
Thomas a Kempis
The Imitation of Christ
Brother Lawrence
The Practice of the Presence of God
John of the Cross
The Dark Night (of the Soul)
The Ascent of Mt. Carmel
Madame Guyon
Union with God
Intimacy with Christ
The Final Steps in Christian Maturity
Hannah Hurnard
Hinds' Feet on High Places
Frank & Ida Mae Hammond
Pigs in the Parlor
The Breaking of Curses
Overcoming Rejection
Leonard Ravenhill
Why Revival Tarries
Norman Grubb
Rees Howells: Intercessor
Owen Jorgensen
The Supernatural Life of William Branham: Books 1-6
Oswald J. Smith
The Passion for Souls
Gordan Linsay
John Alexander Dowie
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The Cost of Discipleship