Kathryn Krick (apostle) - GeorDavie (prophet)

This article will evaluate the ministry of Kathryn Krick. One of the callings that the Lord has given me is to be a watchman. If a watchman sees something dangerous that can harm God’s people and does not sound the warning alarm, blood is on the watchman’s hands and the Lord will require it of that watchman (Ezekiel 33:6-7). This is not really an article I want to write, but I write it because of my assignment and because I do not want to see the Lord’s people damaged. The love of God is an action that does what it can to protect the people of God from evil and deception. The love of God shines light into darkness.

I first came across one of Kathryn’s YouTube videos in December of 2021. Something felt ‘off’ in my spirit but I wasn’t sure what it was. The Lord’s people must learn to trust that inner anointing that reveals error and leads to all truth (1 John 2:27). If we shut down that inner anointing of the Holy Spirit that says, “Something is not right,” because we see demonstrations of power, then we are already deceived. We must not judge by external works of power but be able to discern what the Lord is showing us about someone inwardly. The Lord Jesus actually commands us to judge.

Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”” (John 7:24 NKJV)

We get the judgment right when we are in right standing with the Judge Himself. He reveals the truth to those who know Him and are walking with Him. Jesus also commended the church for judging false apostles who were claiming to be apostles:

““I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary. (Revelation 2:2-3 NKJV)

Obviously we need to judge with righteous judgment in these last days of the church age because the Bible makes it clear that there are many false teachers and prophets roaming about seeking whom they may devour. The first-century apostles warned of these false ministers, and the messengers of this time are called to warn about these dark ministers masquerading as ministers of light. Any minister who is telling the church not to judge righteously is leading the church into deception.

Judging righteously doesn’t give anyone the right to be like the religious Pharisees, whose entire ministry is built on tearing down the Lord’s people. They are the people who are bound up in pride and mock Christians who believe what the Bible states about the gifts of the Spirit, healing, deliverance, baptism of the Spirit, and apostles and prophets. Religious Pharisees dispel a bitter poison in their teachings and videos and lay burdens on people that they themselves can never live up to. These are the ones that ‘nitpick’ every word you say (as if they were perfect). You actually feel ‘infected’ after listening to them. They are self-appointed watchmen and not the true watchmen of the Lord.

This article is written to warn people about the ministry of Kathryn Krick. There are some major red flags in her ministry that will be addressed at length. The first red flag is that she titles herself ‘apostle’. Ephesians Chapter 4 teaches that apostles are to be in the church until we come to the unity of the faith and measure of the stature of Christ’s fullness. Obviously, the church has not achieved that yet, so therefore apostles are still functioning. The Pharisees don’t believe apostles function anymore, but I choose to believe the Bible over the traditions of men. God never said that the ministry of apostles was only for the first century; man said that.

I don’t have an issue with a minister functioning as an apostle. But we do not title ourselves. Paul did not call himself ‘Apostle Paul.’ People in the modern church incorrectly call him that. Paul referred to himself as 'Paul, an apostle.’ He called himself by his name and stated his function after his name. Because Kathryn titles herself an apostle, it is an indication that she wants people to see her authority and power.

I will add that when someone receives a calling as an apostle, it doesn’t happen quickly. Evangelists may have a five-year preparation period like Kathryn did, but apostles have a much longer ‘wilderness’ period before they are ready for the apostleship (more like 15-25 years). Being an apostle is not a ministry of only distributing spiritual milk (healing, deliverance, and salvation). A real apostle has a ministry of seeing believers transformed into the image of Christ. They labor until Christ is formed in believers and bring them to the knowledge of the Son of God and to the mature man that Jesus is. True apostles preach Christ and Christ crucified. They may do deliverance but deliverance is not their focus. Evangelists often focus on deliverance and healing.

Kathryn Krick - Apostle

Kathryn Krick is a minister in Los Angeles, California, and has been operating in the deliverance ministry since 2021. She quickly gained national and international recognition by posting public deliverances on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. Social media caused her ministry to explode. She received an impartation from a man in Tanzania who is called a prophet there. Kathryn refers to this man as her spiritual father.

The Tanzanian prophet’s name is GeorDavie and he has a large following in his country. There is a video of people worshiping at his feet, cheering him, throwing their clothes under his feet for him to walk on, riding in a Range Rover with his security team, people rolling out a red carpet for him to walk on after he steps out of a helicopter, and him wearing a crown while attending an event. This “prophet” told people at a church meeting in California, “Some would teach that since the death of Jesus Christ all of us have rights to go straight to Him…and no middle man (between you and Jesus)…no, there has to be a middle man…that’s God’s Kingdom government system.”

A real prophet would not let people exalt and worship him. A real prophet would not tell people that there has to be a middle man (an apostle or prophet) between them and Jesus Christ. A real prophet’s job is to lead people directly to Jesus, allow Jesus to be exalted, and see people come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Any prophet who is preaching that there needs to be a “middle man” is preaching themselves and leading people to themselves. This is a very serious error and a great deception. Anyone who follows a man like this and let’s him become their spiritual father will come under his influence or authority and go into deception. This was the second red flag.

I have walked with the Lord for almost 20 years and consistently go before the Lord in His presence. I have experienced His holy fire and have been imparted with ‘the fear of the Lord’ directly from Him. I would be afraid to allow people to worship and exalt me like this ‘prophet’ from Tanzania is doing. Anyone who has truly beheld the Lord in the Spirit would never allow people to be drawn to them or their ministry. Once you have encountered the King who sits on the throne, you can only be drawn to Him and desire others to be drawn to Him. To allow anything else is among the most wicked of sins. Real apostles and prophets bring people into a revelation of Jesus Christ, and Christ is their focus.

The California ‘apostle’ went to the Tanzanian ‘prophet’ to receive an anointing and be commissioned as an apostle (I believe in 2018). She spoke at the church gathering and told the people, “For you to have the Prophet of Prophets as your leader, I consider you the most favored people in the world.”

I think most genuine believers would agree that Jesus Christ is the only Prophet of Prophets. Any real prophet commissioned by Jesus would be a “prophet” with a lowercase ‘p’. At the ordination ceremony, GeorDavie poured anointing oil on Kathryn and said, “This anointing will help you do what you please to make this anointing known. This is different.”

So the ‘prophet’ told her that the anointing would help her do what she pleases, not what God pleases. The man told the woman that the anointing was ‘different’. We know that the Holy Spirit’s anointing is not a ‘different’ anointing. GeorDavie also called the anointing ‘this anointing’. He did not say it was the anointing of the Holy Spirit. He told Kathryn that the anointing would help her ‘make this anointing known’. Any true anointing from the Holy Spirit would only help make Jesus known. An anointing from God would not help make an anointing on a person known or help them do whatever they want. This is a terrible error and an indication of demonic impartation or witchcraft. Anointing from the Holy Spirit helps you do the will of God, not your own will. This is a third red flag.

Kathryn then told the Tanzanian prophet publicly, “Babba (her name for the prophet) we want to plant a seed at your feet. We want to be used to reach all the people of Los Angeles to bring them to you…..And all of this joy and transformation that you see in us is only because of you Babba. We would be nothing without you. We know and recognize that you hold the keys for America and only you. As John the Baptist declared there is someone greater than me coming. We want God to have people’s eyes be opened to the words we are speaking. That they may hear and come to this conference and this ministry and receive you…and receive the real Jesus and receive from the real Jesus through you. We give ourselves, lay down ourselves, we surrender and submit to you. That God would use us to serve you and to help fulfill your vision. We plant this seed at your feet daddy for God to have His way with us to serve you. We want the world to know you. We want you to be famous so that the real Jesus who is full of love and power may be known. They will not know the real Jesus unless they know you. He is choosing to use you for the world to see Him and to know Him. We love you so much for being our father.”

Kathryn Krick worshiped this man. This is the language of a new-born baby in Christ at the very least, not a commissioned apostle. Even as a new believer in Christ, I would never have said things like this, so do not believe that this can be written off as only immaturity. I believe that GeorDavie’s deceptive influence (witchcraft) was already wrapping around her like a mantle. When someone comes under demonic influence, they can be deeply deluded. In fact, there is no way that someone would say the things that Kathryn said unless she was completely deceived. She spoke like this was the only man in the whole world who could give people Jesus. The video of Kathryn Krick’s commissioning was taken down from YouTube by GeorDavie’s ministry. Her commissioning is the fourth red flag. The video of her ordination can be found here: https://youtu.be/OLz2nOOF2Tg

Some people may argue that Kathryn Krick repented of some of the things she said at that ordination ceremony, so everything is now alright. That’s not true. Noah Hines (who has a deliverance ministry) brought up a good point. Kathryn Krick still has GeorDavie as her spiritual father and is still under his anointing and influence. I agree. 

Noah’s ministry website is: https://expellingdarkness.com/

Noah’s teaching on the subject can be found here: https://youtu.be/V9fbEeb2yXQ

I also believe that foundations matter. What was the foundation of her ministry? Her ministry will continue to be built on that foundation. Real apostles are founded on Jesus Christ. They are built on Him, not a false prophet from Tanzania. Real apostles suffer as disciples of Jesus while they are following their Master and being prepared in the hidden places. Kathryn Krick skyrocketed to recognition very quickly. It’s a very dangerous thing to make it big very quickly without the proper foundation being established. No external anointing can replace the importance of Christ developing His character and nature in you before you are presented as a public vessel. A quick preparation time and a wobbly or soft foundation are my fifth red flag. 

Here is a recent video of Kathryn stating that she is still connected to her spiritual father in order to keep “her anointing”: https://youtu.be/edLR1NuG4YE

Testimonies of Worse Bondage After Prayer From Kathryn

I have now seen at least 20 testimonies from believers stating that they are in worse demonic bondage after receiving prayer or impartation from Kathryn Krick. I’m only adding this section because the number of witnesses is increasing, which gives me a sixth red flag. I understand that false witnesses can arise and accuse a minister of God falsely. However, because I have so many other red flags, I have to start looking at the accusations. It’s called ‘the totality of the evidence’. The three accusations I included were people ministered to by a prophetic deliverance minister named Abendego Lufile. His ministry website is: https://www.abednegolufileministries.com/

Here is Abendego Lufile’s teaching on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/live/pOLLg0IN0GI?feature=share

The first witness told Abendego that Kathryn touched his head for impartation. He said that he never received any deliverance ministry from Kathryn Krick but only attended several of her events. The man said that she then appeared in his dream and tried to seduce him. He thought demons were imparted to him at her meeting. Abendego commanded every spirit that came from Kathryn Krick to leave, and demons started coming out of the man’s mouth as he coughed. The man seemed humble and genuine. The video is found here: https://youtu.be/wSIcHZ1lPmY

The second witness said that Kathryn Krick prayed for her at an online event hosted by Isaiah Saldivar. When Abendego broke a ‘false impartation’ from Kathryn Krick and Geor Davie, demons started manifesting and coming out of the woman. The demon identified itself as Astoreth and said it came from Geor Davie (obviously by way of Kathryn Krick). The video can be found here: https://youtu.be/EWcFA_l7C34

The third witness was a woman who said Kathryn Krick prayed for her to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The woman said that she started screaming and felt fire all over her body. Abendego commanded the false Holy Spirit to leave and the woman started manifesting a demon. The demon said that she entered through Kathryn. The woman seemed genuine and thankful for the deliverance. She forgave Kathryn and calmed down after receiving deliverance. The video can be found here: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTXt1Kw/

A fourth person also testifies to receiving demonic impartation from Kathryn: https://www.tiktok.com/@prophetabednegolufile/video/7067335290557418758

I would encourage everyone to watch the testimony of Makhado Ramabulana, who is a South African pastor. Makhado got involved with the occult as a young pastor but has since repented and has come back to the Lord. He operated in high-level witchcraft and occult power while ministering as a pastor. His congregation did not know, and people believed he was operating by the power of the Holy Spirit. The demonic anointing also caused his influence to increase and his church started to overflow with people. Here is his testimony: https://youtu.be/jH7ZTcT3ev4

Imparting Spirits

When I was young in the Lord, I was prayed for by a minister in a home church meeting. When he prayed for me, I did not feel the anointing of the Spirit or the presence of God. It felt weird, as if something was coming over my head. I did not feel right about it, and I repented for allowing the prayer when I was alone. I broke the impartation off of me. As I did that, I could feel something lift off of me in the spirit, and I knew that it had to be some sort of witchcraft.

Just as the Lord can impart gifts or transfer anointings (Numbers 11:16-17), Satan can do so with evil spirits and demonic power:

But the [Holy] Spirit explicitly and unmistakably declares that in later times some will turn away from the faith, paying attention instead to deceitful and seductive spirits and doctrines of demons, [misled] by the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared as with a branding iron [leaving them incapable of ethical functioning],” (1 Timothy 4:1-2 AMP)

When someone opens their spirit to a minister operating in a seducing spirit, they open themselves up to the influence of that spirit. If believers receive a minister who is operating in a counterfeit anointing, witchcraft, or mixture, they will open their souls to demonic spirits. This applies to false doctrines of demons, but it also applies to seducing or deceitful spirits. A minister can be casting out demons in Jesus’ name while imparting different spirits to other people. If a minister has not become a purified vessel, then they will operate in a mixture. One can have demons in them while casting demons out of others. This is how some people get free of demons, while others receive demonic impartation and demonic torment.

Sowing for Deliverance (Seventh Red Flag)

This issue causes the righteous anger of the Lord to rise up within me. Kathryn Krick has taught on numerous occasions that people need to give money for deliverance and to keep demons from reentering once deliverance occurs. This is a wicked teaching of deception. Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself so we could have salvation, healing, and deliverance (Isaiah 53:3-6, Galatians 3:10-14). It is blasphemy to say that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was not enough to set us free and that an additional offering for freedom or deliverance is needed.

Jesus gave his first disciples/apostles the power and authority to heal the sick and cast out demons. Then He told them:

And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” (Matthew‬ ‭10‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

Authority is given by Jesus freely, and it should be given away freely. Any true disciple of Jesus would listen to their Master and obey His commands. No real disciple of Jesus would ever tell people they needed to pay for healing and deliverance. This is an abomination to the Lord.

The sacrifice of Jesus Christ is certainly enough for our healing and deliverance. Anyone who teaches otherwise is profaning the New Covenant that Jesus is. If giving money could set people free from demons, then Jesus would not have had to be sacrificed on the cross. Sowing money for deliverance is a false doctrine and it is an offense towards God. I honestly can’t believe that genuine believers in Jesus would allow someone who teaches such garbage to have any influence in their lives. This shows the level of deception and the seducing spirits operating through Kathryn Krick. Believers must really be blinded to continue supporting her ministry and giving money to it. Here are Kathryn’s statements taken from multiple videos while ministering, regarding sowing money for deliverance:

I want to invite you to sow a special seed if you have been delivered today...to thank God for your deliverance, but also to access that anointing of protection upon you. Because the Bible says with every new covenant there is a sacrifice…a new covenant of freedom with you today…We have to be serious about maintaining our deliverance and freedom. And there is so much power to your seed. The devil sees your seed…your money has supernatural power…your seed…where the devil is rebuked…we need to rebuke the demons that want to come back with our seed. So sow a seed for your deliverance today where the devil will look and say, ‘I can’t come here.’ So if you want to sow a seed to seal your deliverance today…”

“Some of you the key is you need to sow a seed for your deliverance or healing. And this depends on the level of demonic oppression you have. This depends on the level of witchcraft you engaged in….or past generations did.”

“A seed can be required if you find yourself needing so much deliverance again and again. That’s an indicator that you should give more to God. Including a seed. Maybe you are not giving enough to God. Maybe there was more witchcraft happening in your life than you realized. That’s an indicator that you should sow a special offering to God for this deliverance. We are talking about prophetic Keys. We are not talking about paying for deliverance. Deliverance is free."

“Just like Jesus when He healed the person of leprosy said go give an offering to the priest…He could see that there was a key that was unlocking that person’s deliverance. There is power in the spiritual realm with sacrifice. It unlocks things…Sometimes a sacrifice is required for freedom or a healing to occur because of the way the law has been broken…you have to be humble and open to receiving the keys (to get out of prison).”

Kathryn Krick is misunderstanding or misapplying scripture by telling people that Jesus said to give money for deliverance or healing. Jesus was only telling the man healed of leprosy to fulfill the law of Moses that is described in Leviticus Chapter 14 (Matthew 8:1-4). A person healed of leprosy had to present themself to the priest and present a sacrificial animal offering. Well, once Jesus Christ died on the cross, He became our sacrificial offering and our great High Priest. The sacrificial law was completely done away with in Christ. We still uphold God’s moral law from the Old Testament by Christ living and loving through us (which fulfills the law), but Christ is the only sacrifice we will ever need. He was the offering.

Kathryn Krick is placing a yoke of bondage on people just like the Pharisees did. With this teaching, she is bringing people back under the law, like what Paul (a real apostle) addressed at the church in Galatia:

O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?” (Galatians 3:1-3 NKJV)

Videos of Kathryn telling people to sow money for deliverance can be found here:




Here is a testimony from a person who formally attended Kathryn Krick’s ministry. He speaks about Kathryn maintaining an elite celebrity status while continuing to tell people they need to give money for deliverance:


Ansie Visser (South African Minister)

Ansie worked in prophetic ministry with GeorDavie for a number of years. She said that she was deceived at first and believed he was a man of God. Ansie noticed that GeorDavie’s wife was never with him, and it seemed strange to her. Ansie was asked by GeorDavie to do a video promoting his ministry and talk about what she had seen God do through him (the focus was on him). While ministering with GeorDavie, Ansie stated that he told her that the believers should be glad he came to minister to them. As she worked more with him, she could tell something was not right with GeorDavie. She then had a dream about a wolf attacking her family and discerned witchcraft in her house where GeorDavie had been. It was then that she realized that he was operating by a demonic source of power.

Ansie Visser said the three ladies approached and told her that GeorDavie asked them to have sexual relations with him. One of the women was friends with Ansie and had known her for a number of years. This incident was reported to their church in South Africa and taken to the leadership. Ansie confronted GeorDavie about the issue. He immediately cut off contact with her and withdrew from South Africa. This caused deep hurt in Ansie and she had to go through inner healing. She also repented for putting GeorDavie on a ‘pedestal’.

Ansie Visser said the GeorDavie isolated Kathryn Krick, groomed her, and mentored her. Ansie testified that the Lord showed her that GeorDavie worked with and got his anointing from witches and is operating by demonic power. She was mandated by the Lord to warn people. Kathryn Krick got her anointing from GeorDavie, and therefore, the source of Krick’s anointing is demonic.

Ansie is a brave woman of God who seems to hold the gospel with honesty and integrity. Her testimony shines light on the darkness and exposes the works of the enemy. Ansie informed me that she ministered deliverance to someone who received a demonic impartation from Kathryn Krick over a Zoom deliverance session. The person was delivered from a spirit of ‘mind control’. Also, the person was delivered from ‘demonic seeds’ implanted in her from listening to and following Kathryn’s ministry. The Holy Spirit revealed to Ansie that the seeds sprout and grow over time (meaning the demonic bondage and deception will come to maturity). Spirits of mind control are probably a big reason why Kathryn has such a large following.

Ansie raises a solid red flag, making it number eight. 

Here are Ansie’s ministry sites: https://www.facebook.com/ansie.visser.14


This is Ansie’s testimony: https://www.youtube.com/live/aJw0TCizeTw?feature=share

Ansie gave me an update in October 2023. She said that she had recently ministered to about three women who were suffering from demonic torment as a direct result of Kathryn Krick’s ministry. One woman was only 20 years old and had been following Kathryn’s teaching online for about six months. Her torment and bondage were very severe, and her entire life was being disrupted by this bondage. Through the authority of Jesus Christ, Ansie was able to function in true deliverance ministry and lead this young woman into freedom.

Miracles and Power

For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” (Matthew 24:24 NKJV)

“And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.” (Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

The KJV translation of this scripture states, “if it were possible.” While the KJV is a very accurate translation, it does not translate this verse properly. The KJV adds the phrase “it were” which changes the original meaning of the text. The NKJV properly states “if possible,” meaning that even the elect can be deceived by false miracles if they are not careful. That’s the reason why Jesus issued this warning.

False ministers will be coming in ‘Jesus’ name’ and saying that He is the Christ. They will be so difficult to discern that even the elect followers of Jesus will have an opportunity to be deceived. The believers who will be fooled are the ones who will see deliverances occuring and say, “It must be of God for Satan cannot cast out Satan.” Those believers who will be deceived by the coming wave of supernatural power are those who judge by external works of power instead of internal fruit of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 7:15-20). They forget the following words of the Jesus:

Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” (Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭21‬-‭23‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

Ministers can do miracles, prophesy, and cast out demons in Jesus’ name, but not be approved of God or sent by God. These ministers can cast out demons in the name of Jesus without having Jesus inside of them. They have an outward form of godliness but have lawlessness within. Many believers are already deceived because they think everyone who says the name of Jesus and demonstrates power (including casting out demons) must be of God. They ignore the scriptures to their own doom.

Ninth Red Flag - Demonic Impartation

I have had at least 14 people contact me directly and inform me that they have experienced some type of demonic attack or bondage after being at Kathryn Krick’s meetings or receiving prayer from her (some documentation is at the end of the article). One young woman told me that the demonic torment “happened to her and that she has not been the same since.” Another witness commented, “I never had any problems in my life until I started watching her videos.” An additional testimony was, “I watched her (Kathryn) on TikTok and YouTube, and for three nights in a row I had sleep paralysis and saw a dark figure a few feet away from me.”

Another witness said she was physically attacked by a demon at Kathryn’s meeting and received scratches on her face. This had never happened before the meeting. Demons proceeded to torment her and scratch her two more times over the next few months until she received prayer from her church. One person said her friend started experiencing very graphic sexual dreams after being touched (prayed for) by Kathryn. Here is the next testimony:

“I attended a conference of Krick I believe in 2021. It was an outdoor administration she had planned. I never allowed her to touch me but some of my friends were touched by her. As for me, that same night I began to experience Night Terrors and FEAR to sleep in my room like never before. I physically would feel spirit spouses creep to the edge of my bed to rock it. I asked my friend from that night was she also having issues with her sleeping, she told me she had moved into her living room because she no longer felt peace or safety in her bedroom. This went on for 2 months until We both received HUGE deliverance from our ministry. Thanks to Jesus we have been set free! She’s releasing curses and vouching for money and I saw it with my own two eyes and got attacked.” 

I have also received many comments from believers on social media (close to 100) stating that they felt something “off” about Kathryn Krick’s ministry in their spirits. The Holy Spirit is speaking to people and warning them that something is not right. When God’s people voice their beliefs we should not ignore them and accuse them of being ‘judgmental’, or we will shut down our God-given discernment. When multiple believers come out with stories of demonic impartation after receiving prayer, it would be unwise to judge them as liars or false witnesses. What would they have to gain by being a false witness except the judgment of God? I believe that these believers want to warn people so that others are not damaged. That’s what love does! Love does not remain 'silent' when brothers and sisters in Christ are being hurt.

Here is another testimony that was sent to me:

“I’ve never had any occurrences with the “supernatural”, spirits, demons, whatever you wanna say. I know there are things that are real but I’ve never had anything happen to me. After watching her (Kathryn Krick) videos I started having sleep paralysis. I didn’t think too much into it until I googled it and what I read scared me. Although this part is graphic. I think it’s important to tell you the last time I awoke with sleep paralysis, in my head I saw something with its arm wrapped around my stomach…having intercourse with me. I woke up so scared I kept my eyes shut except to get to the bathroom and back to bed. After this happened I started reading my Bible more and praying more. I walked through my house with a Bible praying as well. I haven’t had anything happen since the last occurrence but I also stopped watching her.”

Additional Testimony: “I went to her "show" because I don't know what else to call it at this time. I went, and I heard the Lord tell me no, but it was my ignorance. I thought it was my own thought, and I went anyway. I took my son and daughter with me, and while there, she touched my daughter's head because she was right up front, and afterward, she had issues as well. As I was sitting in my seat and she was on stage, she glanced right at me, and I suddenly felt this crazy anger take over me and I was just getting extremely angry as I was sitting in my seat and I knew something wasn't normal. Shortly after we left and I knew something bad happened but at the time didn't know anyone doing genuine deliverance and a man from Africa sent me a message about 3 months later and said he saw a spirit of anger was transferred to me and he wanted to pray for me and about 3 weeks later God delivered me.”

One Final Testimony:

This is my experience on January 27, 2022 in Houston, Texas: The service was good at the beginning. When deliverance started I fell down backwards. I began to shake violently on the ground and I was brought in the center of the cement floor. I started manifesting and different demons were speaking through me. Eventually when it was my turn to be delivered, she (Kathryn Krick) spoke to the demons told them to get out at the count of 3. I was told that I was free and began to walk back to the general population. While there, I fell down every time she said, “Spirit of witchcraft go!” I would fall again and again to the ground to the point where I was on my knees and I was falling over to the side. I would shake like I have a fever. I was bound on the ground with witchcraft (a spirit). While on the grass I begged the Holy Spirit to send me someone to set me free. With little to no control over my body, I heard the Lord tell me a friend’s name that does deliverance. After the service I looked for them and proceeded to have a 45 minute deliverance because not one (demon) left me the first time I was supposedly delivered (by Kathryn Krick). I no longer follow her ministry. I know everyone has different experiences and this was mine.” 

Note: Some have said that these people are just experiencing demons returning to them as mentioned in Matthew 12:43-45. These assumptions are incorrect. Demons only have the legal right to return to a person and bring others if that person commits sin and allows access. I know this for a fact from ministering in deliverance. Demons cannot simply come back into a person. They must have an open door in order to return. These testimonies are from people who experienced torment before they even had time to sin. Some people had never even had demonic torment until they listened to Kathryn or attended her meeting. These people are simply sharing their testimonies. Picture documentation of some testimonies is proved at the end of this article.

Screaming in Torment (Red Flag Number 10)

Kathryn Krick allows people to scream in demonic torment or under the power of witchcraft during meetings while performing deliverance. The video below will show her performing deliverance on one person while others are screaming in torment. The Holy Spirit is not a Spirit of torment and does not want believers screaming in torment while sitting in a meeting or waiting for deliverance. This is not the love of God in operation.

Jesus demonstrated the pure ministry of deliverance, and we should follow after Him. The scriptures make it clear that demons do manifest and speak through people (Luke 4:33-36). Demons can also make a person convulse and throw the person to the ground (Mark 9:20-27). Jesus would not permit the demons to speak (the majority of the time). He would also not allow the demon to make a spectacle of the person and would cast the demon out so the spirit did not convulse the person too much. Allowing demons to speak and manifest through a person for extended periods makes for good social media videos, but it does not honor the person. Demons manifesting on social media can be a good way for ministers to promote their ministries and become well-known!

When Jesus would approach a person who had demons, the Holy Spirit would cause that person to begin manifesting demons. The demons would try to speak, and Jesus would command them to remain silent. The demons had to obey His authority. Then sometimes the demons would convulse the person and Jesus would command the spirits to come out. The evil spirits would obey. Jesus did not have a long conversation with the demon to find out how it entered or allow the demon to give onlookers an extended ‘show’ by taking control of the person’s body.

Nowhere in scripture does it say that God’s people screamed in bondage and torment while waiting for Jesus when He ministered to others. The Holy Spirit was ministering to those people who were receiving ministry from Jesus at that specific time, and He was not tormenting other people so that they were screaming. Satan is the one who torments, not the Holy Spirit. This seems like an operation of witchcraft in the meeting. No minister should allow believers to be tormented by witchcraft while ministering. Ministers should take authority over all operations of witchcraft and break the power of it so believers do not suffer in torment.

Why are believers screaming in torment in meetings who are not being ministered to or who are waiting for ministry? This does not feel right and raises a red flag. I do not feel the presence of God on this ministry session in the video below. It is actually disturbing, creates tension, and feels like ‘nails on a chalkboard’ in the spirit.


Cult-Like Followers - Red Flag 11

Some of Kathryn Krick’s followers are exhibiting cult-like behavior. Not all of them are exhibiting this behavior, but enough that it raises a red flag. Some followers are attacking other Christians with angry and abusive language because certain believers have legitimate concerns regarding Kathryn Krick. These followers are demonstrating behavior that is unlike that of Jesus Christ. I do believe spirits of mind-control, seducing spirits, or spirits of delusions are at work in some people following her ministry.

If only these believers would follow Jesus and defend Jesus like they defend Kathryn Krick! Jesus is the One we should be in love with and fighting for! Obviously I’m not suggesting we fight for Jesus and defend Him ‘in the flesh’ like these people are doing with Kathryn. These Krick followers are clearing exampling ‘the works of the flesh’ and also a ‘party spirit of division’ like Paul addressed in the church at Corinth:

For it has been made clear to me, my brethren, by those of Chloe's household, that there are contentions and wrangling and factions among you. What I mean is this, that each one of you [either] says, I belong to Paul, or I belong to Apollos, or I belong to Cephas (Peter), or I belong to Christ. Is Christ (the Messiah) divided into parts? Was Paul crucified on behalf of you? Or were you baptized into the name of Paul? (1 Corinthians 1:11-13 AMPC)

Paul, a real apostle, rebuked ‘his own followers’ for operating in the flesh and creating divisions and sects. He didn’t want people to be ‘followers of Paul’. He was fulfilling his apostolic commission and leading people to be followers of Jesus. Real apostles lead believers to become disciples of Christ and do not tolerate a ‘party spirit’ which is the workings of the flesh nature:

Now the doings (practices) of the flesh are clear (obvious): they are immorality, impurity, indecency, Idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger (ill temper), selfishness, divisions (dissensions), party spirit (factions, sects with peculiar opinions, heresies) (Galatians 5:19-20 AMPC)

Here is one video in which we can clearly see the demonic and ‘the works of the flesh’ operating together:


12th Red Flag

In the video below, we see Kathryn allowing believers to kneel before her and exalt her in an unhealthy way. True apsotles of Jesus Christ point to the Lamb of God and direct honor to Him alone. It is alright to honor leadership, but true apostles do not want believers kneeling before them and exalting them. This activity makes real apostle’s sick to their stomachs.


Kathryn is Connected to False Prophet Lovy Elias

The 13th red flag is that Kathryn is friends with “Prophetess” Dr. Taryn N. Tarver-Bishop who is the spiritual daughter of Lovy Elias and spiritual granddaughter of Passion Java. These men are false teachers and false prophets who operate by spirits of divination. An article on this can be found here: https://www.burningpointministries.com/lovy-elias-passion-java-prophets-of-divination-sorcery

Taryn Tarver-Bishop’s Instagram and YouTube channel are filled with worldly and flashy posts that exalt her and focus on her (instead of Christ). Those can be found here:




Decision Regarding ‘Apostle’ Kathryn Krick

If Kathryn was called as an apostle, she is currently not functioning as one. Her ministry is like the ministry of an evangelist. Philip the evangelist was given authority to cast out demons and preach (Acts 8:4-13). Her ministry does not measure up to the Biblical ministry of an apostle—not even close. People who can’t see this do not know the word of God or do not have the spiritual maturity to discern the five leadership gifts given by Jesus in Ephesians 4:11. If she was called as an apostle, she rushed the process and sent herself before she was ready.

It’s also possible that Kathryn Krick was given a false prophetic word about being called an apostle (given the source of the prophetic word, GeorDavie). Then she took the apostolic gift unto herself when she was not called by God to function in it (Hebrews 5:4). If we step into a calling when God has not called us to it, we open ourselves up to demonic powers operating through us because the Lord will not bless us when we live for ourselves or our own will. Was it God who sent Kathryn, or was it GeorDavie?

The Lord does give prophetic words regarding calling. For example, I received a prophetic word regarding His purpose and calling for me in 2009. Then the Holy Spirit revealed that calling inwardly to me over the next two years. In 2011, I received the exact same word regarding my calling from a different prophet. The Lord then proceeded to reveal Himself in me in a greater way with regard to that gift and function. Then more prophetic words came in 2013 and 2015 from completely different people. Do you see the process of the Lord? He gives multiple witnesses and reveals Himself inwardly to your heart so you understand clearly His will and don’t get deceived. However, if you take one prophetic witness and immediately start moving ‘full steam ahead’ you are at great risk for deception.

It seems that Kathryn Krick desired power so badly that she was willing to submit and worship a false prophet from Africa to receive the power that he operates in. However, the source of his power is demonic and when Kathryn received his anointing, it polluted her. She is probably under deception and bound by the demonic influence. If she doesn’t repent soon, she will become more deluded. She will also become more powerful and more dangerous to the body of Christ. Many people could be harmed and suffer demonic impartation and torment.

Could real deliverances be taking place during her meetings? Yes, they could. Demons can be cast out in Jesus’ name, and He honors His word. I have seen testimonies where people say they were delivered. If no deliverances were taking place and everyone who went to a meeting just received demonic torment, then no one would be attending her meetings. But there are too many red flags with her ministry and no one should risk seeking her out for deliverance.

Some of the deliverances taking place could be false. Meaning the demons just make the person manifest but never actually come out. Or the demonic spirit stops manifesting so the person believes they got delivered, but later after the person has given testimony, it continues to afflict the person. I have seen videos of her pray for people and nothing happened, but she declared they were free. I believe she is operating in a mixture. Some good may be taking place, but there are also negative things happening. There are other ministries to go to and receive deliverance. Please do not put your spiritual life at risk by taking a chance with Kathryn Krick’s ministry.

If there were only one or two ‘red flags’ with this ministry, then we may be able to chalk it up to immaturity. However, with 13 red flags, it far exceeds the threshold of what should be considered safe. There are too many negative indicators with this ministry. People who receive ministry from Kathryn Krick are at great risk of being spiritually damaged. Pastors or leaders who invite her to minister at their church are exposing the people of God to witchcraft and bondage. These leaders will be held accountable before God for not properly discerning Kathryn’s ministry and not protecting the Shepherd’s sheep.

This article is written as a warning to the church because the Lord loves His people and does not want them to be harmed. My motivation for writing this article was obedience to the Lord. Secondly, I desire to see the Lord’s sheep protected. Thirdly, I do believe that Kathryn Krick can be redeemed by the Lord if she chooses to repent and turn to the Lord. I pray that the Lord will release grace to her and shine light in her spirit so that she might have an opportunity to see and repent. The Lord’s heart is for her healing and restoration.

I break the power of witchcraft, demonic spirits, and deception that has come upon anyone who has been influenced by her ministry. I ask for complete freedom for everyone who has suffered torment. May the Lord instruct you and guide you to complete freedom and healing. May His peace and presence rest upon you.

-Article complied by Generation Chosen Overseer (a Corporation Sole)

May 2023


Documentation - A few of the reports that I have received:

Ministries Who Have Partnered With Kathryn Krick

Hungry Generation

Kris Vallotton

Shawn Bolz

Encounter Today

Isaiah Saldivar

Daniel Adams & John Ramirez

Here is additional teaching on genuine ministers who become wicked and turn away from Jesus when they give themselves over to a lust for power, fame, or wealth:

Judas Ministers

Judas loved the attention that the calling of the apostle brought to him. Sometimes even bad attention is good to people who desire attention. But Judas received both good and bad attention. Thousands of people in Israel were coming to receive healing and deliverance. Judas probably focused on ministry instead of Christ and His cross-life. He probably spent more time doing ministry than sitting at the feet of Jesus in His Presence.

Judas was not a false apostle. He was a legitimate apostle who ministered in healing and deliverance. Yet he had the love of money in his soul. This was coupled by the love of success among men. He did not allow the cross of Christ to work in him but he rejected the cross.

Judas probably loved the idea of having more followers and being wealthy (or blessed by God). His definition of the “promised land” was a large following and a successful ministry (huge following on social media). God defines successful ministry as bringing people to the “mature man, the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” Judas defined successful ministry as how many demons he casted out of people, or how many miracles he did.

Judas-like ministers who only focus on prophecy, miracles, and deliverance; will receive this terrible rebuke from the Lord. These are the ones who made “ministry” their idol. They never choose “the way of the cross” so that their self-life (their own wants, will, desires, and destiny) could be put to death. Instead of having an intimate fellowship with Christ in the secret place and fulfilling their Ephesians 4 mandate, they made the power of God their focus and idol. Power became a false god to them so their heart was full of lawlessness.

The 11 other apostles made it to the commissioning of the apostleship, and the sending as apostles because they let the cross work in them. They allowed the cross of Christ to strip away their foolish self-life that argued which of them “was the greatest.” The 11 let the sufferings that come with carrying the cross strip away their earthly ambitions and lusts to the point where only Jesus remained in their vision. Judas dropped his cross of suffering to bask in his own version of the “promised land.” The true promise land is the Lord getting what He wants. A bride made ready and a royal priesthood. A spiritual house that is built together in the unity of the faith, where the Holy Spirit has come and made His habitation.

Judas didn’t allow Jesus to become his inward life. He didn’t allow the cross to crucify his pride of life, and lusts of the flesh and eyes. The lesson we learn from Judas: power and authority have the potential to corrupt those who are still living for themselves or their own life. But for those who are no longer living for themselves, Christ can live through and release His power and authority.

We can’t understand every reason why the Lord would give His power and authority to ministers like Judas but He does. We can certainly learn from the Holy Spirit if we have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying. The power corrupted Judas as it has other ministers throughout the years. Judas betrayed Jesus because his eyes were focused on natural things instead of the Lord. The man had been given supernatural power but he cared more about natural money than spiritual power. He used supernatural power to gain money.

The idol of fame and recognition has crippled other anointed vessels throughout the years just like it did with Judas. Men/women have a tendency to rush for power gifts because they are exiting to the soul. Healings, deliverances, and prophecies are exciting. Our carnal self-centered souls can even crave spiritual things like these. Our self-life can then focus and idolize these spiritual things, and because they are spiritual things; we are deceived into thinking we are more spiritual for moving in gifts of power. This is exactly what the church in Corinth thought. They were moving in the gifts but were a very carnal church that needed a lot of correction from the Holy Spirit through Paul. Focusing on gifts and power can actually prevent us from moving onward in the Lord if we are not carrying our crosses as Jesus’ disciples.

We need the power of God but according to Matthew 7:21-23 we can operate in the power of God and not really know the Lord. This is eye opening. Therefore we cannot assume that every minster that is moving in the power of God is following the Lord as His disciple and becoming more intimately acquainted with Him. Judas was following the Lord outwardly but inwardly he was drifting further and further from the heart of God. Judas also ministered in miracles. If we only judge by outward miracles there is a significant possibility of us being deceived in the days ahead.

Judas heard the call and responded appropriately but got lost in his own self-life along the journey. The Lord gave Judas power and authority to heal the sick and cast out demons. Why? The first answer is because Jesus loves people and wants people to be healed and delivered so they can have a greater opportunity to follow Him. Demonic oppression keeps us from following Jesus. Secondly, Jesus gave these gifts to Judas because it was apart of his calling. Thirdly, Jesus wanted to teach us and speak to us about what not to do. He wanted to demonstrate to us that we cannot handle power and authority apart from the cross and His grace. Also he does this to test His people: will we follow carnal vessels only because of outward power or vessels that have the Life of Christ bursting forth from within them (and outward demonstration of the Holy Spirit)?

Some ministers in our day are choosing to ignore the cross of Christ. It will lead to their destruction just like it did with Judas. And if it doesn’t lead to their destruction, they will fall short of completing their assignment. The primary assignment of all five leadership gifts is to be conformed to the image of Christ and transfigured into His likeness. That is the high calling of everyone of us. Leaders who don’t seek first the Lord and His high calling cannot lead the church into her high calling. You can’t lead someone into something that you are not entering into yourself. What good is a leader who can’t actually lead into the eternal purposes of God? Salvation, healing and deliverance are only the first steps into the eternal purposes of God.

Some apostles, like Judas, allow the power of God to corrupt them. They go on to merchandise God’s people or secure an exalted seat in the church. Others allow the anointing to hinder their own progression into spiritual maturity and stay trapped in a lower form of ministry. Apostles like Paul wait on the Lord to send them. Paul was probably around 40 years old when he was sent out from Antioch as an apostle. He had gone through the school of the Spirit and had been broken by the Lord. He like Jacob, walked with a limp because of the brutal dealings of God. The Lord would use Paul, an apostle, to bring believers to maturity and minister in the healing power of God. The Lord used Paul as an example to us. We can embrace this example or ignore it.

How many immature believers are following Judas-like ministers? If we judge a minister only based on the power of God, we are at risk of being deceived by Judas-like vessels who have been given power and authority by God. The Lord Jesus is not okay with mixture as the scriptures make clear. He expects us to follow Him and know Him so we can discern properly. If ministers are exalting themselves or allowing their followers to exalt them it is a major warning sign.

Be careful in these last days and walk closely with the Lord. He is enough to keep you protected from the evil one. May the grace, peace, and presence of the Lord Jesus Christ be upon you.