No Time Like the Presence - Jesus is Lord - Katie

Note: See Important Update at end of Article

This article will evaluate the ministry of Katie Levensailor, who oversees a ministry on YouTube called “No Time Like the Presence.” The Bible tells us that we should test the spirits to see if someone is from God or if they are a counterfeit. Jesus commended the church in Ephesus for judging and determining that counterfeit apostles were claiming to be real apostles (Revelation 2). It’s wisdom to follow the revealed will of Jesus, as it keeps us from deception. If a minister is judged as from the Lord, we should listen to the voice of the Lord through them.

I need to share a little about myself before we can properly evaluate Katie’s ministry. I grew up in the world and was born again by the Holy Spirit when I believed in and confessed Jesus as Lord at age 22 in 2004. A year later, I was baptized in the Spirit and spoke in tongues. I have experienced the Lord’s power in regards to healing, deliverance, and manifestations of the Holy Spirit. I believe what the scriptures teach regarding apostles, prophets, miracles, prophecy, divine revelation, and the gifts of the Spirit. I have a relationship with the Lord Himself and experience the manifest presence of God in my life.

When I first watched a short video of Katie on her YouTube channel “No Time Like the Presence,” I appreciated her willingness to be open about the Lord and not care what others think. This is a rare quality because many believers have the fear of man in them. She seemed very genuine and just wanted people to encounter Jesus. I could relate to this, as I want the same thing. Katie seemed to have a genuine desire for the presence of the Lord and to be intimate with Him. All of this resonated with me because I share this same desire. There is nothing better than being in the Lord’s presence and coming to know Jesus to a greater degree. I understood why people were following Katie's ministry.

Then I listened to a YouTube live video that Katie had done and I started to become very concerned. Katie said a number of things that directly contradicted scripture. The Bible was given to us by God as an anchor for perilous times of deception, and those who choose to ignore it may fall away from the faith in the coming days of darkness. It is critical that we follow the Jesus of the Bible and not our own versions of who we think Jesus is. In order to get a proper understanding of the ministry “No Time Like the Presence,” one must fully read this article and watch the attached videos. We will break down everything thoroughly.

I understand that false watchmen and religious Pharisees can tear down true godly ministries, and I strongly condemn ministers like that. I actually feel the Lord's love for Katie and His strong desire for her to be on the path of life with Him. My hope is that this article will help Katie see the truth and bring her into her true identity and relationship with the Lord. The Lord Jesus Christ is extremely merciful and forgiving and will restore everyone who turns to Him in repentance.

I also want to make it clear that I have not been hurt or offended by Katie and her ministry (No Time Like the Presence), and therefore the scriptures in Matthew Chapter 18 do not apply to this situation. I sincerely want the best for Katie and for her to come into the full purpose that God has for her.

Katie’s Testimony 

Katie grew up in the Catholic religious system. She did not have contact with her dad from age 5 until around the age of 20. She was married around 23 years old but found out her husband was gay. Katie said the Lord told her to get a divorce. She was also in a relationship with a man for three years and was engaged to him. The man lived with her in her house for a time (when she was 28 or 29). Katie stated that she was following the Lord during the time when the man was living with her (2018). Katie broke off that relationship and moved to Colorado.

Around 2021, the Lord had Katie attend some type of Bible college in Colorado. She was friends with a guy in her class, and she claims the Lord told her to get married to him in January 2022. He was physically abusive to her for a year, and he was arrested for domestic violence. Katie then divorced him. Since the divorce, Katie claims that Jesus has been manifesting Himself in her life in unusual ways, and she has been making many videos on her YouTube channel regarding these encounters. At the time of this writing, “No Time Like the Presence” has just over 2,000 followers.

The Bible

Any minister who claims to speak or teach for God has a major responsibility. If they are speaking by the Holy Spirit, their ministry will carry weight and authority. If they are speaking from themselves, their ministry can damage many people. This is why it is so important that we examine Katie and her ministry by the written word of God. A person can know the word of God and not have a relationship with the Lord Himself, as Jesus told the religious leaders of His day. However, those who have a living relationship with the Living Word, Jesus Christ, must look to His written word for understanding and guidance. Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, said:

Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose, and action), So that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17 AMPC)

Every verse in the Bible is God-inspired and it is our foundation. The Holy Spirit will either use it to confirm that truth is being taught or He will use it to expose falsehood, error, and deception. When error is detected, reproof and conviction of that error are necessary to see the truth prevail. As the truth prevails, correction of the error takes place and people are set free from deception. If someone were to attack the Bible and state that it has error and carnal-minded teaching in it, then they would be directly speaking against the Lord and the above scripture.

Katie said, “Jesus told me that not everything in the Bible is the truth.” She stated that letters were written in which the person might not have been answering by the Spirit (referring to the epistles written by the apostles). Katie said, “I’m living scripture when I’m on here (speaking on her YouTube ministry) when the anointing is on me and moving.” Katie also implied that the Bible is not Jesus’ book and that the Bible contradicts itself. She also stated that there are carnal-minded solutions in the Bible. Katie said, “Jesus told me, ‘I never said those things; they were dealing with issues and that was their carnal mind’” (referring to the epistles in the New Testament).

Here is the video: Video 5

Katie’s stance on the Bible is extremely alarming and dangerous. She is basically chipping away at the authority that the word of God provides as absolute truth from God. This is exactly what Satan wants to do: destroy our trust in God’s word. This is exactly what he did to Eve in the garden. Satan got Eve to question God’s word and then seduced her into sin, which caused her to fall away from her intimate relationship with God.

If Satan can destroy the integrity of God's word in the Bible, he can draw many of God’s people into sinful lifestyles. Satan wants God’s children to believe the Bible can’t be trusted as absolute truth. Then believers will start living by their own feelings and self-life, or by whatever false prophets tell them. They will do whatever seems right instead of what God has said in His word. Lawlessness will increase, and the love of many will grow cold.

The word of God is pure and true, and it is supposed to lead us into a living relationship with Jesus Christ. If the integrity of the Bible is destroyed, then many people will be kept from the Lord, and they will suffer eternal torment in Hell. Anyone who truly knows the Lord would understand this. Jesus never said that the Bible was corrupted or that some of its teaching or instruction was from the carnal mind of man. In fact, Jesus even said that the law and the prophets have not passed away yet (Matthew 5:17-19).

The Bible safeguards the Lord’s people from false prophets. If the teachings, visions, and revelations of a minister contradict the Bible, then we will know they are not of God. That is why false ministers will attack the integrity of the scriptures. Once they have people questioning the scriptures, they can teach their heresies and doctrines of devils. If the Bible is not the inerrant word of God, then what is? A human preacher who appears on the scene and starts preaching about their revelations? Are we actually going to believe a person (with a fallen sin nature) over the written word of God called the Bible? All who believe a person over God’s word will fall into deception because the spirit of error is already at work in them. This is exactly how religious cults have started.

Katie Denies the Definition of the Godhead 

The foundational understanding of the Godhead has been held by the majority of Christians ever since the first century. This doctrine is often referred to as the "Trinity". The Bible clearly reveals one God who is three distinct persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). The three persons of the Godhead are coequal, coeternal, and united into one being. Please see my article for a full explanation of the Godhead with scriptural references: Trinity (Trinitarianism) vs Oneness Doctrine - Is the Holy Spirit a Person

In the videos below, Katie reveals that the Jesus she is preaching is different from the Jesus of the Bible:

Video 1

Video 6

Video 8

Katie states that “Father and Holy Spirit made Jesus and his wife.” Therefore, Katie is saying that Jesus is not part of the eternal and uncreated Godhead. She is saying that only the Father and the Holy Spirit were uncreated, but they created Jesus and his wife (later, we will see Katie refer to herself as Jesus’ wife).

This is a terrible heresy that denies the truth in the word of God. The main spirit that would deny the eternal Godhood of Jesus Christ is an antichrist spirit, because that spirit is literally against Christ. The Holy Spirit would never say that Jesus is not part of the uncreated Godhead. So we know Katie is not speaking by the Spirit of God when she says Jesus was created. Jesus was never created, and anyone who says He was created is speaking against God and His word:

In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself. He was [continually existing] in the beginning [co-eternally] with God. All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him not even one thing was made that has come into being.” (John 1:1-3 AMP)

Katie’s version of a “created Jesus” is similar to the Mormon version of Jesus, who was also created. She is certainly not preaching the same Jesus as in the Bible. Just because we say the name of Jesus does not mean we are talking about the same Jesus. Paul made this clear:

For [you seem readily to endure it] if a man comes and preaches another Jesus than the One we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the [Spirit] you [once] received or a different gospel from the one you [then] received and welcomed; you tolerate [all that] well enough! Yet I consider myself as in no way inferior to these [precious] extra-super [false] apostles.” (2 Corinthians 11:4-5 AMPC)

Katie states that she is an apostle: Video 10

Paul was confronting the church in Corinth by the Spirit of God in regards to false apostles preaching a different Jesus to them (and thus a different gospel). We can only be saved by the right Jesus and the right gospel being preached. People will be damned if they believe in a false or "made-up" version of Jesus from man’s carnal mind. We only have salvation in the real Jesus of the Bible. He is one Person of the eternal Godhead. Those who believe in a false gospel or false Jesus will receive a different spirit into their soul (a demonic spirit).

False apostles will masquerade as real apostles and preach “a different Jesus.” These false ministers will preach a Jesus who was created. They will preach a Jesus who used to be an angel and then became Jesus. Some preach Jesus, who was a man who worked his way up to Godhood. The point is, there are false messengers preaching different versions of Jesus that do not line up with the Biblical Jesus (the only One we are saved by). There was only one Jesus who bore our sins on the cross, and you won’t be saved by any other counterfeits who happen to have His same name.

Katie also said, “There will be a second Eve who will put grace on display. She is the word made flesh."

She stated, “Jesus said, ‘Me and wisdom were breathed out at the same time.’ (By the Father before the foundation of the world). Jesus is married to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the physical manifestation of the mother heart of God.”

Katie said, “Jesus’ wife is the begotten daughter of the Holy Spirit.” (Which Katie claims to be Jesus literal wife—not in the general sense of many believers being the bride of Christ.)

She also stated, “The Spirit of God, which is One, breathed out Jesus and Holy Spirit. Father and Holy Spirit actually made their own versions of themselves and that’s why they have bodies.”

Through Katie’s very confusing statements, it is evident that she is preaching a different Jesus, a different Spirit, a different Father, and a different gospel than what the Bible teaches us. Paul said:

I am astonished and extremely irritated that you are so quickly shifting your allegiance and deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different [even contrary] gospel; which is really not another [gospel]; but there are [obviously] some [people masquerading as teachers] who are disturbing and confusing you [with a misleading, counterfeit teaching] and want to distort the gospel of Christ [twisting it into something which it absolutely is not]. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we [originally] preached to you, let him be condemned to destruction! As we have said before, so I now say again, if anyone is preaching to you a gospel different from that which you received [from us], let him be condemned to destruction!” (Galatians 1:6-9 AMP)

The Holy Spirit put more safeguards for us in His word. If someone falsely teaches a different God or gospel, then that person is accursed and condemned to destruction (unless of course they repent of their sin and stop teaching a false gospel). People might say they fear the Lord when, in reality, they actually don’t. Anyone teaching a different gospel of Jesus obviously does not fear the Lord.

Little Gods

Video 2

Video 3

In this video, Katie teaches a lot of confusion, and she says that Jesus is "pulling us up to god status". She also states that the Holy Spirit is female. Katie states that God inside of us is married (Jesus and the Holy Spirit) and that we will all be angels. This shows she has departed from scripture and drifted into a gospel that fits her own altered reality.

The Bible clearly teaches that when we are born again, God comes and dwells within us. However, we are not God and will never be gods. Having God dwell in us makes us a new creation, but it certainly does not make us gods. This is terrible false doctrine from the Word of Faith movement, seemingly mixed with Mormonism.

Katie Has Sex with God

Video 7

Video 9

Video 25

In the above videos, Katie said, “I have a sex-life with God. He has had me talk openly about it. It’s by the Holy Spirit.” Katie also states that the spirit of fear of the Lord (one of the seven spirits of God found in Isaiah 11:1-2) is sexual. In addition, Katie said that Jesus had her (sexually). And He won’t be with other women, just her.

Obviously these things are coming from Katie’s carnal mind and soul. God is not having sex (in the Spirit) with His creation. It’s deeply troubling that Katie is teaching this, and even more troubling that people actually believe it. This kind of teaching is actually profaning the holy name of the Lord. It brings Jesus down to a carnal level like I have never seen.

I honestly believe that this teaching has come from the trauma of Katie’s fatherless childhood and her former marriages. She has created a successful sexual relationship with God to cover up her painful human relationships with men. She has created a fantasy relationship with the perfect man who will never hurt or abuse her, Jesus. She may actually believe it herself, which shows her current mental state. A real teacher would never contradict the teaching of Jesus:

I say to you: whoever dismisses (repudiates, divorces) his wife, except for unchastity, and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.” (Matthew 19:9 AMPC)

So if Jesus actually married Katie as a man and had sexual relations with her, as Katie states, Jesus would be in sin and committing adultery as per His own words. Jesus would be marrying a divorced woman. Obviously Jesus is without sin and is not going to engage in a sinful and carnal sexual relationship with a woman. This kind of talk is actually a disgrace to the gospel.

It is clear by now that Katie is delusional and has come under the influence of spirits of delusion. These seductive spirits are pretending to be the voice of Jesus in her and bringing her false revelations that contradict scripture. The more she yields to their demonic influence, the more deluded she will become.

But the [Holy] Spirit explicitly and unmistakably declares that in later times some will turn away from the faith, paying attention instead to deceitful and seductive spirits and doctrines of demons, [misled] by the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared as with a branding iron [leaving them incapable of ethical functioning], who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from [certain kinds of] foods which God has created to be gratefully shared by those who believe and have [a clear] knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 4:1-3 AMP)

It is also possible that Katie is under the satanic power of a fallen angel. This would be a false spirit of wisdom and revelation. I say this because Katie gets into what we might call “a prophetic flow” while speaking. At times, she flows very rapidly while speaking and teaching, so it seems like it’s the anointing of the Holy Spirit. However, since the things she is teaching contradict scripture, we can tell that her source of the anointing is not the Holy Spirit but Satanic in nature.

Just as the spirit of wisdom and revelation can empower a true apostle to preach a Biblical Christ and gospel, a fallen angel (spirit) can empower a person to prophesy and teach under a false anointing. Satan counterfeits the things of God. Fallen angels are very powerful and cunning. If we underestimate their abilities, then we are at risk of being deceived. These fallen angels will likely flow through their human vessels to say, “Satan cannot counterfeit the anointing."

I strongly believe that Joseph Smith (the founder of Mormonism) did have an encounter with a fallen angel named Moroni. There was a spiritual power behind him that led to millions of people following Mormonism. If there wasn’t satanic power behind Mormonism, only a hundred people or so would have followed it. I believe Katie has satanic power behind her. Her YouTube channel grew rapidly to a few thousand followers over a period of months in 2023. Some followers seem very devoted to Katie. Satanic power can influence and deceive people. Satan’s primary weapon is deception.

Back to Mormon Doctrine

Video 27

Katie says Jesus preached in America like the Mormons teach and that some of the Book of Mormon is scripture. This is a clear departure from the Jesus of the Bible, who is the only Lord and Savior. The Bible tells us that Jesus was only called to preach to Israel during His earthly ministry. When His ministry was completed, He ascended into heaven, and His disciples took over His ministry of preaching the kingdom. Jesus did not preach in any other countries. Jesus said:

He answered, “I was commissioned by God and sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”” (Matthew 15:24 AMP)

So if Jesus went to America to preach the gospel, then He would be disobedient to the will and commission of the Father and therefore a sinner. And we know that Jesus was without sin and always obeying the will of the Father. Therefore, it can easily be shown that this is yet another fallacy of Katie and Mormonism.

Katie Was Never Born Again

Video 13

In the above video, Katie says that she has never received the Holy Spirit and that she was never born again. She stated that she doesn’t know what it is like to receive the Holy Spirit. She said that she has simply always been born of the Spirit.

In other words, Katie is saying that she didn’t need to be born again like everyone else because she has always had the Spirit. This statement is delusional. The Bible makes it clear that all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23-24). Every single human born after Adam and Eve is born a sinner (the sin nature is already in all of us). Once Jesus came into the world in the flesh, all people must be born again by the Spirit of God in order to have eternal life.

Jesus answered him, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless a person is born again [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified], he cannot [ever] see and experience the kingdom of God.” Jesus answered, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot [ever] enter the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3, 5 AMP)

No one is born again from birth. That defeats the purpose of the phrase and the gospel. No one can have eternal life unless they receive the Holy Spirit, and Katie says she has never received the Holy Spirit. This is a major red flag. If she has never received the Holy Spirit, then what spirit has she always had? Jesus didn’t say there would be exceptions. All people must be born again. This would indicate that Katie has a different spirit than the Holy Spirit and is operating by the revelation of this "different" spirit.

One of the Two Witnesses 

Video 11

Video 12

Katie says she is in the Bible and that she is one of the two witnesses in Revelation Chapter 11. I believe she teaches that Jesus is the other witness.

The Bible makes it very clear that Jesus is not one of the two witnesses. The two witnesses will be killed, resurrected, and caught up to heaven (Revelation 11:7-12). Katie had said she is an apostle; however, the scriptures say that the witnesses are prophets. Katie’s own testimony reveals she doesn’t qualify to be one of the two witnesses. We also see that Jesus returns as King and a Judge in Revelation 19, shortly after the two witnesses are caught up to heaven. Therefore, there is no possible way that Jesus is one of the two witnesses (who would then have to die a second time and be resurrected again).

so Christ, having been offered once and once for all to bear [as a burden] the sins of many, will appear a second time [when he returns to earth], not to deal with sin, but to bring salvation to those who are eagerly and confidently waiting for Him.” (Hebrews 9:28 AMP)

Jesus is not appearing a second time to be one of the two witnesses and then a third time to bring salvation. He is only appearing a second time as the scriptures indicate.

Katie Hears the Lord better Than All Others

Video 14

Katie says she hears the Lord better than Moses or Paul. The problem is that she is contradicting Moses and Paul in the scriptures and creating her own doctrine. She believes she is speaking scripture and that some of the things Paul wrote came from his carnal mind. The more I listen to her soulish doctrine, the more dangerous I see that she is. People who actually listen to her false teachings will be poisoned and deluded in their spirits.


Video 15

Video 16

Katie says that she wants Jesus more than other people. She also said that Jesus said, “You are made different. Your soul is patterned differently.” Katie said that Jesus told her that her soul is not like others. Katie says that she is the only one in our generation to experience possession by Jesus and inherit Him. This is exactly what cult leaders do. They elevate themselves above others. They truly believe they are different, and it is a terrible deception. When you are deceived, you don't know that you are deceived, and you will fight against someone when they are trying to tell you the truth to set you free.

Jesus “Tells” Katie to Marry an Abusive Man

Video 18

Video 19

Katie explains how the Lord told her to marry a man (January 2022), who then physically abused her for a year and then got arrested for domestic violence. They divorced in early 2023. Katie also says that God reversed the ages of her and her husband, and they got younger. She claims Jesus manifested through her husband and had sexual relations with her. So Katie would have sexual relations with her husband, but she claims it was really Jesus. Katie also shares that she and her ex-husband operated in telepathy and could send physical feelings to each other's bodies.

Katie is clearly not hearing from Jesus at all. Jesus would never tell Katie to quickly marry a man who was going to physically abuse her. That is absolutely not the will or heart of God. God can use anything for His good, but He would not tell someone to enter a marriage knowing that it would be abusive and end in divorce. The Lord would warn a woman not to get married to a man like that.

Katie is hearing from a Satanic source. She then creates her own carnal explanation of why the Lord had her marry this man instead of admitting she didn't hear God properly. If we can't admit that we didn't hear God and made a mistake because of it, it shows we are full of pride. Pride cannot admit it is wrong or that it missed God. Humility admits faults and confesses weakness. When we do this, the glory and power of Christ rests on us.

Video 17

Katie says she was with Jesus at the foundation of the world when He was creating the world. Katie also thought she messed up the universe because, apparently, she was helping Jesus create it. Katie then breaks down into uncontrollable crying, which seems to come from inward trauma. When she cries uncontrollably, we can see that her soul is still deeply wounded and has not been healed by the Lord. She has most likely been deeply wounded by not having a father as a child, two failed marriages, and a failed long-term relationship with another man.

No one should be doing any kind of ministry in the body of Christ if their soul is still wounded. It seems Katie is creating her version of the perfect man or husband with Jesus, and she is hearing the Lord according to her own wounded soul and fantasies. Empowered by a satanic force, she projects her fantasies to the body of Christ. Believers who do not know the scriptures or who are not following the Lord as His disciples are prime targets for Katie’s delusions.

Waiting on the Lord and knowing His presence is a major key to staying free of decpetion. When you spend time with the Lord, you know Him, and you know what is not Him. False prophets and teachers are afraid of those who truly know the Lord because they fear being exposed.

It seems that Katie is also using another Mormon doctrine that states that all people existed as spirit bodies in heaven before coming to earth and receiving a mortal body. This is not a Christian doctrine found in the Bible. The Lord knew who we were before He formed us in our mother's womb because He is outside of time and sees all things before Him (past, present, and future). We were not alive in heaven prior to being conceived on earth. It’s possible that the same fallen angel (or similar one) who communicated with Joesph Smith has been communicating with Katie and giving her delusional revelations. This could be why Katie’s teachings resemble those of Mormonism.

Downward Spiral of Delusion

Katie seemingly claims to be the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of Truth).

Video 21

Katie says that Jesus told her that she “is literally the spirit of truth incarnate” and that she is “inside my people.” Then Katie says that she and Jesus are the head of creation.

Video 23

She follows by saying that each kingdom couple gets to be the head of their own universe, just like Jesus.

Video 24

Katie also says that her covenant with Jesus (being married to Him) is enabling Him to save the rest of the world.

Video 20

Katie describes her kingdom marriage with Jesus and says that the Father gives her and Jesus different parts of the seven spirits of God (meaning Jesus doesn’t have all the seven spirits of God). Katie says that Jesus has to ask her things.

Video 22

Katie falsely prophesies that Jesus will reign from the White House and that the U.S. will be the New Jerusalem.

In Revelation chapter 21, it is clear that the city of God (the new Jerusalem) will descend out of heaven. Jesus will not inhabit a man-made structure called the White House in Washington, D.C., from which He will rule the nations. This is fantasy. The city that comes out of heaven is both a physical city and the people of God (the real wife of the Lamb or bride of Christ).

Video 26

The bride of Christ is not one woman. The bride is composed of the disciples of Jesus who have made Christ their life. The bride is the one who has come to the fullness of the measure of the stature of Christ by allowing Christ to live through her. Please see my complete teaching on the subject: The Bride of Christ

Eternal Marriages

Katie also contradicts the scriptures in her teachings about marriage. She states that each person has an eternal marriage or "twin flame". Katie teaches that a person could be married to someone who is not their eternal lover or twin flame. This is a teaching that gives license to divorce and sin. This teaching could easily push believers to divorce their spouses if they don't "think" they have the right eternal spouse. It contradicts Jesus teaching on divorce and His teaching on marriage in the age to come (the millennial reign of Christ).

But Jesus replied to them, You are wrong because you know neither the Scriptures nor God's power. For in the resurrected state neither do [men] marry nor are [women] given in marriage, but they are like the angels in heaven.”
‭‭(Matthew‬ ‭22‬:‭29‬-‭30‬ ‭AMPC‬‬)

Jesus teaches us that everyone who is born again and partakes of either the 'catching up' at His coming or the resurrection from the dead will not be married. We will be like the angels in heaven in terms of not having a spouse. Katie apparently does not understand the scritptures and is trying to teach as if she does. The Scriptures in Revelation, Isaiah, and Zechariah indicate that there will be people who are married in the millennium and give birth to children, thus populating the earth. These people, however, were not born again during this age, and they did not take the mark of the beast. There will be a remnant of people who fall into this category and who will survive the great tribulation. These people will populate the millennium and be tested to see if they will serve the Lord or Satan when Satan is released from the bottomless pit at the end of the 1,000-year reign of Jesus. For more explanation on this subject, please see my teaching: The Kingdom Age

Testimony of a Katie Follower

I received one testimony regarding Katie that is very disturbing. A woman (who will not be named) had a healthy Christian relationship with her boyfriend until he started listening to Katie's teachings. The woman said that her boyfriend changed dramatically after following Katie. The man told the woman that Katie was the best Bible teacher he had ever heard, and he told the woman that she needed to start listening to Katie. The woman, functioning in godly discernment, would not start following Katie's teaching because she knew that Katie was false. The woman's boyfriend started calling Katie "Jesus' wife". The woman saw that her boyfriend and others were commenting on Katie's videos and saying, "Amen, savior Katie, I believe what you say." The man told his girlfriend that he trusted Katie 100 percent.

Suddenly, the woman found that her boyfriend had cut off contact with her because she would not follow Katie. Even the man's friends thought Katie was a fraud. The man would kneel before Katie. He told his girlfriend that he wanted her to kneel before Katie and apologize for saying Katie was a fraud. He started isolating himself from friends and family as well. The woman said that Katie told the man that his friends were rebelling against God. Apparently, Katie also said that the man's girlfriend had a "male soul of Satan" inside her body. The woman lost the man whom she loved because of Katie's dark influence. Does that sound like the life of Jesus Christ being released, or darkness and confusion?

This is typical behavior for cult-like leaders. Their followers will exalt and fight for the leader instead of standing for Christ. When a leader secretly desires exaltation and the praise of men (even if they say the opposite in public), followers will be drawn to the leader. They will praise the leader and lift them up in an unhealthy way. Having people exalt you as a leader is the most fundamental failure that a leader can have. Christian leaders should be taking on the role of John the Baptist. John wanted only to stand next to the Bridegroom and hear the bride speak directly to the Bridegroom. John would have found it repulsive if people were exalting him instead of Jesus. Friends of the Bridegroom must only lead people to Jesus and not their own ministries. What is in a leader's heart will either draw people to Jesus or cause people to be drawn to the leader themselves. We will all stand before the judgment seat of God to face judgment for our heart motives (why we did what we did). This is the true fear of the Lord, not some sexual thing, like Katie teaches.

Assessment of Katie and Her Ministry

No Time Like the Presence is a false ministry. Katie is promoting carnal things birthed from the natural mind, like sex with Jesus and drunkenness in the spirit. Katie’s focus is on how special she is and her role with Jesus. I do not see the life of Christ coming from her ministry, but only delusion. Those who sit under her ministry will be deceived by this same seductive spirit and could potentially fall away from the faith.

When we believe the fantasies of one person over pure Biblical truth from God, we open ourselves up to spirits of deception. Believers following her ministry are choosing to love lies, falsehood, and delusion over the Lord's pure word of truth. Once you believe a lie, the lie becomes truth to you. The Lord will allow people to go into deception who would rather believe a lie than have Him as their truth.

The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (II Thessalonians 2:9-12 NKJV)

It is sin to believe in a teacher whose teachings contradict the word of God. Followers of Katie and her ministry, No Time Like the Presence, should repent immediately. Your eternal life is nothing to play around with. The falling away from faith is at hand.

And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.

Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.” (Matthew 24:4-5, 11 NKJV)

Katie should not be in public ministry in any capacity. She was divorced in early 2023 and suffered physical abuse. She has unhealed trauma in her soul. Oftentimes, it takes a number of years to be completely healed from trauma. I believe the hurt and trauma that Katie has experienced have opened her up to receiving revelations from a demonic source. She is operating in a counterfeit anointing. Satan can give false anointings that masquerade as anointings from God. Please see my article on the subject for more details: Counterfeit Anointing (Satanic Power)

My main reason for writing this article is to expose darkness. I do not want the Lord's people to be deceived and fall away from Him. If this article only helps one person, then I would consider that a success (please email me and let me know). I also hope that Katie repents of these delusions and false teachings. If she does, the Lord will heal her and restore her. Katie must have the same born-again experience that everyone needs. Only those who are born again will experience eternal life with Jesus.

But whatever [word] comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this is what defiles and dishonors the man. For out of the heart come evil thoughts and plans, murders, adulteries, sexual immoralities, thefts, false testimonies, slanders (verbal abuse, irreverent speech, blaspheming).” (Matthew 15:18-19 AMP)

I also believe that the false testimonies that Katie is giving are defilements coming from her heart. These false testimonies of delusions are polluting the hearts of believers as they accept them as truth. Katie is falsely testifying that Jesus is speaking to her about many different things. Much of what she is saying comes from her own heart, and some of it is based on doctrines taught in Mormonism.

Needless to say, I do not recommend Katie's ministry, No Time Like the Presence. I am certain that her ministry is full of false teachings and false revelations that are not from the Spirit of God. There is a difference between someone who has some false teaching and someone who is a false teacher. Katie is a false teacher.

One Final Message from Katie:

Video 4

Note: I was unable to view most of Katie's videos and teachings due to the large amount of them and the limited time I have to devote to this project. There are most likely many more subjects and false teachings that could be addressed in the remainder of her videos. Here are the links to the full videos that I did watch and address, as well as a link to her main YouTube page. The links to the videos work at the time of this writing, but I cannot guarantee that these will not be taken down in order to hide the false teaching.

YouTube page:

 -Article complied by Generation Chosen Overseer

November 2023

2024 Update: Since this article was written, Katie took down all of her YouTube videos and stated on her community page that the enemy had deceived her. She changed her YouTube channel to "Jesus is Lord" @JesusIsLordForever316

Katie has posted comments regarding herself being deceived by Satan on the community page. However, I did not see a video of her or a statement in which she apologizes to all the people she deceived and hurt. Many believers thought Katie was actually hearing from God, and they would have been led astray, hurt, damaged, and deceived. I know (due to people contacting me) that relationships were broken up and destoyed because of Katie's teaching. 

Telling people that you were deceived is a step towards repentance. However, an apology must be issued to all who have been hurt and spiritually manipulated. Those people must be presented with an opportunity to come to Katie and tell her their hurt and pain so wounds can be healed. A public statement should be issued regarding Katie's acknowledgement of damage caused people, and Katie should ask for their forgiveness. This will further the healing of the Lord's church and be another step of Katie's process of true repentance.

It is also crucial that Katie submit to the leadership of a local church leader who can walk her through total restoration. Once someone has gone into public ministry (even if it was self-commissioning) and has damaged the body of Christ, they are not safe to maintain their influence in the body. Meaning Katie should eventually remove her YouTube channel all together (since her influence was gained by means of a demonic source). Because of her history of being deceived and deceiving believers, Katie has to be under godly spiritual authority and undergo a restoration process by church leaders. Submission to church leadership is non-negotiable in Katie's situation. I believe this is the counsel of God for Katie to be restored and to protect the Lord's precious sheep.

Until Katie issues a public apology, deletes her YouTube page (all her infulence), and submits to church leadership, she is not fully repentant. Her ministry should still not be followed.