The Lord has been preparing His “rebuilders.” These wise-master builders will come forth in the days ahead to rebuild the ancient ruins, and repair the ruined cities (Isaiah 58:12, 61:4). Those ancient ruins or ruined city are us, the church. We are the City of God (Hebrews 12:22). The universal church (in Heaven and on the earth) is the city of God. The city of God on earth is made up of houses (or temples). Each house is a group or gathering of believers in a given location (1 Peter 2:5).
Parts of the city of God have been decimated in various regions across the United States and throughout the world. The people of God (houses in parts of the city) are lying desolate. Believers may still be gathering, but are simply going through the motions. Programs and activities have replaced inward fire and the presence of God. Entertainment has replaced the power and conviction of the Holy Spirit. These houses claim to be alive, but in reality they are dead (Revelation 3:1).
Major parts of the city of God lie desolate partly because of leadership. Some leaders have embraced the pride of life and lusts of this world. They have sold the anointing for money, and merchandised the house of God (His people). Certain leaders have grown weary of Christ’s coming and have started to beat the sheep. They preach submission, money, power, and works instead of preaching Christ. Some leaders have become more interested in building their own ministry, than seeing the house of God built (believers being connected to one another to form the true house of God or church). These desolating leaders care more to be recognized among other “famous” leaders, than they do for seeing the Lord’s house built. However the rebuilders are at hand! The rebuilders will be sent to pastors and leaders who truly desire for the Lord’s house to be built.
Much of the church lies in desolation, and believers are like sheep scattered without a shepherd. Some prophecies we are waiting for are true, and will come to pass if we let the rebuilders do what they are called to do. If the rebuilders are rejected by the church, many prophecies of revival and reformation will fail. Many prophetic people (not real prophets) missed the Lord’s timing in their zeal to prophesy revival. Of course we all want to hear that revival is coming, but it must be presented in a proper context. In order for revival to be sustained, the house of God must be properly constructed by the apostolic ministry. The full release of these wise master builders has not occurred yet. Real apostles and prophets must work together and not independently. Paul and Silas modeled this ministry partnership. Once these ministries are merged, leadership will provide an accurate direction to the body of Christ.
Prophets and apostles who are not crucified of self-life, will not prophesy accurately or be able to bring the church to maturity. Immature leaders cannot bring the church to fullness, since they are not in a state of fullness themselves. Prophets or apostles who are 60 years old and are falling into sexual sin, do not have the inward maturity of Christ to see the bride prepared for the Lord. This is not a critical attitude, but a simple fact. God honors inward character above all else. We should follow Him and honor what He honors.
The rebuilders are coming! The church lies in ruins because the foundations were not properly established. The foundations can never be built upon gifts of the Spirit and prophecies, but must be build upon Jesus and the cross life He preached (1 Corinthians 3:11). The high calling of discipleship, being transformed into Christ’s image, and becoming the bride must be established in the people of God. Our high calling to be overcomers has to be reestablished. The alter of intimacy with Christ in the secret place must be rebuilt. Once the true foundations are in place, then the house can be built. And when the house is built, then the house will have the necessary spiritual strength to sustain the prophetic promises. Rebuilt and reinforced houses will be able to maintain the power of the Holy Spirit without crumbling.
The prophetic promises of revival and awakening cannot come to pass (or last very long) without the ministry of the wise-master builder being released in full measure. These rebuilders understand how crucial it is to have the wineskin in place to sustain the movement and outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Without becoming a new wine skin in this new season, the wine of the Spirit would be wasted and lost with the bursting of the old wineskin. The Lord cannot release the promises of His glory and power until the rebuilders have reconstructed the ancient ruins.
The Rebuilding of the Houses
““Thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘These people say, “The time has not come that the Lord’s house (temple) should be rebuilt.” ’ ” Then the word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet, saying, “Is it time for you yourselves to live in your [expensive] paneled houses while this house [of the Lord] lies in ruins?”” (Haggai 1:2-4 AMP)
We are now entering into a season where the Lord is going to release His chosen vessels to rebuild and repair the ruins.
“And your people will rebuild the ancient ruins; You will raise up and restore the age-old foundations [of buildings that have been laid waste]; You will be called Repairer of the Breach, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.” (Isaiah 58:12 AMP)
These commissioned vessels will possess the grace to gather God’s broken people. They will carry an anointing to bind up and heal the broken hearted. Believers who haven’t gathered with the church in years, will be drawn by the Spirit to gather yet again under the ministry of these apostles. Trust will be restored. The rebuilders primary purpose will be for Christ to have the house that He wants and a place to rest in. Secondarily, that each living stone (each believer) is healed and built together with the rest of the living stones. The restoration of the city begins one house at a time. Just one rebuilt house has the potential of bringing spiritual stability to a region. Regions could be taken for the Kingdom of God if we align ourselves with the Lord’s will.
The Lord is getting ready to command His hidden servant leaders to begin building His houses. They will partner with pastors and overseers to rebuilt the ancient ruins. Even now He is stirring the spirits of the remnant to be apart of the rebuilding process (Haggai 1:14).
“Go up to the mountains and bring wood and build the temple, that I may take pleasure in it and be glorified,” says the Lord. “You looked for much, but indeed it came to little; and when you brought it home, I blew it away. Why?” says the Lord of hosts. “Because of My house that is in ruins, while every one of you runs to his own house. Therefore the heavens above you withhold the dew, and the earth withholds its fruit. For I called for a drought on the land and the mountains, on the grain and the new wine and the oil, on whatever the ground brings forth, on men and livestock, and on all the labor of your hands.”” (Haggai 1:8-11 NKJV)
There is a group of disciples who have been being prepared in the wilderness by the Holy Spirit. In the Lord’s proper time, they will come forth overflowing with the oil of the Holy Spirit. These vessels will have allowed the Master to empty them of self-life, so that they can be filled with the fresh oil of the Spirit. These chosen instruments will be filled and entrusted with the fresh oil, because they paid the high price of giving the Lord their time. They could have chosen to spend their time doing a number of earthly things, or even church related activities. However they took the approach of Mary, and decided to sit at the feet of Jesus. They found the “One Thing” that was more important and more precious than anything else. The sons/daughters of fresh oil are those who chose the “better portion.”
These anointed ones will carry the oil, because they have been tested and approved in the secret place. They want the Bridegroom more than their own lives. Because they know the Bridegroom from intimate communion, the Bridegroom will entrust these messengers with oil that will never cease to flow. The sons of fresh oil make the King their foremost desire, so the king will release the river of oil in and through these vessels. These ministers of the Great King are the wise virgins. They used their time wisely and have oil to show for it.
The sons of fresh oil will never stop releasing the oil of the Spirit once they are commissioned by the Lord (if they continue in purity). These messengers will abide by the command of their Master, “Freely you have received, freely give.” Charging for oil (anointing), or marketing it in any way will however cause the flow to cease. If the vessel ever reverses his/her course, and starts increasing in the self-life (due to fame and recognition); the vessel will “fill up” with self, and the oil will stop flowing (2 Kings 4:1-7).
And he said: These are two sons of oil who stand before the Lord of the whole earth. (Zechariah 4:14)
The Lord has always and will always have anointed ones who stand before Him (Revelation 11:4). His witnesses carry His anointing, because they give His message. They speak of the One they love, and it is Him who they stand before (1 Kings 17:1). Their messages are not cheap and flimsy like the prophets who build white-washed walls. These messengers actually know the Great King inwardly, because they live in the cloud of His presence (Exodus 24:15-18). They were fashioned by Jesus in the wilderness, and He will get the credit for preparing them (not men or ministries). During the beginning of the church there were many witnesses or anointed ones. So will there be in these last days of the age before the Lord’s return.
The Purpose
The sons of fresh oil will be entrusted with the oil of the Spirit in order to build the house of God. They will have to be stripped of their own good ideas, and their abilities. These anointed ones will understand that they can do nothing apart from Jesus (John 15:5). These sons of oil know for certain, because of many years of testing and trials; that it is not by their might, nor by their power, but that it can only be done by the Spirit of Lord. The anointed ones fully understand that only Christ can build His church through them, and that they can not build His church for Him.
Each believer is a living stone (1 Peter 2:5). When we are built together, we become the temple of God, in which the Holy Spirit will come and dwell in (1 Corinthians 3:16). Numerous ministers have tried to build the temple of God in past decades. Many have failed, but succeeded in building ministries, buildings, organizations, and programs. Knowledge, training, and good ideas can never build the temple of the living God. It can only be done by grace (Zechariah 4:7)!
The sons of fresh oil have arrived at a place in their journey with the Lord, in which they realize that there is nothing in them that can accomplish the work of God. They understand that they are incapable of leading the people of God, and bringing forth His kingdom. When they are empty of their “self-life,” they are ready to be filled with fresh oil. The anointing oil of the Spirit is what will be given to build the church.
The Building
““The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundations of this house, and his hands will finish it. Then you will know (recognize, understand fully) that the LORD of hosts has sent me [as His messenger] to you. Who [with reason] despises the day of small things (beginnings)? For these seven [eyes] shall rejoice when they see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel. They are the eyes of the LORD which roam throughout the earth.”” (Zechariah 4:9-10 AMP).
Zerubbabel was a son of fresh oil, and he was a type of apostle. Apostles and prophets have been given “plumb line ministries,” and a “builders anointing.” They have authority to lay a foundation for the temple of God (Ephesians 2:20-22, 1 Corinthians 3:10). These wise master-builders understand that Christ is the only foundation that can be laid, or built upon (1 Corinthians 3:11). This does not mean simply preaching Christ as a savior. It means preaching Christ crucified (following Christ as a disciple and partaking of the cross-life). Laying the foundation entails Christ becoming ones entire life, and Christ living through the person.
As Christ comes forth in a person, the living stone is formed. As the living stone is formed, it can then be built together with other believers. The temple can only be formed when true disciples are built together. Believers who simply believe in Jesus for salvation, and are just waiting to “go to Heaven;” are not the proper building material for the temple. Only disciples can be built together, which is why Jesus gave the command to make disciples (Matthew 28:19).
Zerubbabel (the apostolic figure) was given a plumb line. A plumb line is a weight suspended from a string used as a vertical reference line to ensure a structure is upright, properly constructed, and built according to the Lord’s standards. The anointed ones will be given a plumb line to ensure that the temple of God is built properly. The seven spirits of God will be present in the ministries of the sons of fresh oil. They are overjoyed to see the plumb line of righteousness returning to the house of God, and being entrusted to the apostles and prophets. The anointed sons of fresh oil have attracted the attention of the seven spirits of the Lord, who were searching the earth for hearts who were fully and completely the Lords’ (2 Chronicles 16:9). The Lord will show Himself strong on behalf of these sons of oil, by entrusting them with the seven spirits of the Lord.
Many anointed ones will be given plumb lines in the coming days, as the Lord releases His apostles. These ministers won’t concern themselves with titles before their name, but will allow Jesus the apostle to function through them. The Lord will give the sons of fresh oil the grace they need to lay the foundation of Christ, and see Christ come forth in fullness in His people unto the completion of the temple; within the lifetime of that apostle (Zechariah 4:8). The beginnings will seem small because it is an inward work instead of a large outward show. People may judge this movement by the standards of the past, or by their own definition of success. But Jesus Christ, the real and true judge, will judge according to the measure of Himself living in a group of believers.
Those groups that go on to the mature man, and the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; will be judged as a completed and perfect temple of the Lord. The Holy Spirit will presence Himself among groups like these, and the glory of these spiritual temples will be greater than any former physical temples could ever be (Haggai 2:9).
Inward vs Outward
......“Thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘These people say, “The time has not come that the LORD’S house (temple) should be rebuilt.” ’ ”” (Haggai 1:2 AMP)
But the time has come for the Lord’s house to be rebuilt! Not an outward temple with outward activities, but the inward life of Christ shinning forth from the Lord’s disciples. Jesus will set up His Kingdom when He returns to the earth, but for now the Kingdom of Heaven is within:
“Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”” (Luke 17:20-21 NKJV)
Much of the church, even the charismatic church, is still trying to build an outward kingdom. Many have been preaching outward transformation instead of inward. Inward transformation comes from journeying with the Lord, carrying your cross of sufferings, and waiting on and beholding the glory of the Lord. True wise master-builders understand this, and will apply this revelation to bring forth a glorious temple in the days ahead. The Lord has been withholding the new wine of the Spirit, the outpouring of the Spirit, and the oil of the Spirit; because His house still lies in ruins while ministers have been building the houses of their own personal ministries (Haggai 1:7-11).
The Lord is going to pair up sons of fresh oil to minister with one another:
“And the Jewish elders built and prospered through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo. They finished their building as commanded by the God of Israel and in accordance with the decree of Cyrus and Darius and Artaxerxes king of Persia. This temple was finished on the third day of the month of Adar, in the sixth year of the reign of King Darius.” (Ezra 6:14-15 AMP)
Builders (apostles) will work with prophets, and with believers in agreement. The Lord’s beautiful temple will be completed. The Lord will do this by stirring up the spirits of His apostles, prophets, and the remnant of His people (Haggai 1:13-14). The Lord will stir our spirits in His way and time, to be apart of different gatherings. He will direct us and we must wait on Him. The Father’s heart is toward the building of His temple, the gathering of His remnant, and having a bride prepared for His Son. The Holy Spirit has purposed Himself to see this come to pass. He will have His way.
The Anointed Ones
We are coming into a fullness of time, in which the sons of fresh oil will be empowered and released by the Holy Spirit. Even though hope deferred and disappointment have crushed many, the Lord is releasing a fresh wind of endurance so that we might endure until the commissioning. Joseph’s circumstances were the exact opposite of his promise. Many are in similar situations. Family, friends, and ministers don’t believe that you are going to ever be an anointed minister of the Lord, because they are judging you by your current state. They may claim to be a seer because they have visions and dreams. But they can’t see what the Lord has been doing inwardly in you, or how in a moment of time; He will move and show Himself strong through you.
Keep the faith and keep your heart and focus on the Lord. The Lord knows your desire to be with Him. He sees the cries of your heart. He understands the pain. His Son must be formed in you before the anointing oil can be poured out on you. Otherwise you would waste the precious oil like so many have.
The sons of fresh oil will be released when Christ has reached a certain measure in them. Some of these anointed ones will be 30, some 40, and others 50. Ages will be different, and the timings in which they are commissioned will also vary. The beginning of this season is upon us. The Holy Spirit will move in ways we have longed for, and in ways we haven’t even thought of. The oil is coming.
The Return of the Glory
“I will shake all the nations; and they will come with the desirable and precious things of all nations, and I will fill this house with glory and splendor,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine,’ declares the Lord of hosts. ‘The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘and in this place I shall give [the ultimate] peace and prosperity,’ declares the Lord of hosts.”” (Haggai 2:7-9 AMP)
Once houses of God are restored, and the city is being restored; the Lord will begin to fill the restored houses with His glory. His glory cannot come and remain until the restoration occurs. So it would behoove us to pray for and cry out to God for the restoration of His houses. We have wanted the glory to return without the houses of God being reconstructed, but it simply doesn’t work that way. The Lord wants to reveal His glory in and among His people, but is waiting so it will be maintained properly. Under an inferior covenant, the Lord appeared visibly to His people in His thick and fiery glory:
“Then the cloud [the Shekinah, God’s visible, dwelling presence] covered the Tent of Meeting, and the glory and brilliance of the Lord filled the tabernacle. Moses was not able to enter the Tent of Meeting because the cloud remained on it, and the glory and brilliance of the Lord filled the tabernacle. In all their journeys, whenever the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the Israelites would set out; but if the cloud was not taken up, then they did not journey on until the day when it was taken up. For throughout all their journeys, the cloud of the Lord was on the tabernacle by day, and there was fire in it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel.” (Exodus 40:34-38 AMP)
I understand that the throne of God is within us, and the Lord’s primary way of manifesting His glory is inward. I also understand that the Lord is God Almighty, and He does whatever He pleases. If he finds a house that is rebuilt and constructed properly, and is desiring as much of Him as possible; I have faith that the Lord will be moved and reveal His outward physical glory as He did in the days of old. It’s been my experience that every time I have been in the Lord’s presence, I’m changed. Sometimes it’s only a little change, but a change none the less. Those who can’t live without His intense glory, won’t have too. We can have more of Him.
The rebuilders will not market the glory or sell it for fame. The will not want to be known among the “who’s who” in the American Church leadership. These commissioned vessels will live for the Lord and His presence. They value the glory of God above all else, and will do everything in their power to walk the narrow path with the Lord so that His glory will remain in the midst of the spiritual house. The glory is coming to the temple:
“Now the cherubim were standing on the right side of the temple when the man entered; and a cloud [the Shekinah glory of God] filled the inner courtyard. Then the glory and brilliance of the Lord moved upward from the cherubim to [rest over] the threshold of the temple; and the temple was filled with the cloud and the courtyard was filled with the brightness of the Lord’s glory.” Ezekiel 10:3-4 AMP
The glory will come back to the church. The rebuilders will yield to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to oversee the houses of God. Some believers must be healed of the hurts from the past, and gather again. We have to be the church and gather with one heart and one mind so that we can have the brilliance and fire of the glory of the Lord. A completed structure is necessary to hold the glory. Once the glory is manifested in the midst of various houses, the enemy will attempt to destroy that house. The maturity of the Lord in a group of people or house will be vital to fight off every attack of the devil and maintain the glory of God.
We have to have the glory of God return. His weighty presence and an atmosphere of spiritual fire provides evidence that the King Himself is in our midst. Of course He is in us individually, but the whole point of gathering to be formed into a spiritual house, is to have Him come among us corporately. He is our reason for being, and our reason for meeting. Gatherings must be focused on pleasing Him, and fulfilling His desires. Ministering to Him must come before ministry to ourselves, or our own needs.
Let the restorers and rebuilders arise! Pray for the Lord to build His spiritual houses, as only the Lord can build His church through the anointed vessels of His choosing. And please cry out for the Lord to restore His beautiful glory to His church. His glory is so wonderful and precious. We cannot go on without Him or His glory any longer.
“For the Lord has built up Zion; He has appeared in His glory and brilliance; He has regarded the prayer of the destitute, And has not despised their prayer.” (Psalms 102:16-17 AMP)