The Master’s Voice Prophecy Blog

A woman who calls herself Celestial gave numerous false prophecies regarding the 2024 presidential election. She stated that Donald Trump would die and not be reelected president. Celestial also said that the Lord told her that Kamala Harris would be the next president. This was not a conditional prophecy that could be changed. This was a bold and absolute declaration in the name of the Lord.

Celestial blasphemed the name of the Lord by giving these false prophecies in His name. She did damage to the church and the true prophetic ministry. She is not hearing the Lord, but is hearing according to a deceptive spirit that she thinks is the Lord. Celestial is dangerous to the body of Christ and should be avoided. Those who follow her ministry could drift into deception. The following video is evidence of her false prophetic ministry.

The following video is another false prophecy by Celestial in which she states the Lord showed her Biden would be removed from office and replaced with Kamala Harris. Obviously this never happened indicating yet again that she is not speaking in the name of the Lord.

Someone also made me aware of the following prophecy by Celestial. She states that the Lord told her the earth was a “disc” and that it was not a “ball.” I honestly find it hard to believe that anyone would listen to her after she says the Lord told her this. Anyone who chooses to believe this lie clearly wants to be deceived.

- Complied by Generation Chosen Overseer (November 2024)